Frank Smidler

Well Known Member
After 14-1/2 years of building RV-6 serial number 21585 made it's maiden flight at Purdue University Airport (KLAF), Lafayette, IN. The plane flew flawlessly, the pilot not so. 96FS has basic instruments and an O-360-A1A Lyc with fixed pitch Sterba wood prop. It was inspected November 20 by Tony Cecere with no major issue.

The delayed first flight was due to delays in getting transition training and winter weather in Indiana. The first trip to Alex De Dominicis in TX for training was weathered out in early December. The second trip the last week of December found more cooperative weather and we got our flights in. The transition training with Alex was a good investment and was well worth a second trip to TX. He clearly showed me how the RV should be flown and what I needed to watch for in a higher performance aircraft. I am a 200 hour pilot and came away comfortable that I could fly my plane safely. Thank you Alex.

I made the first flight myself with Tom Henderson in his RV-8 in chase with my youngest son in the back seat taking pictures. The overcast was not ideal but trying to get an ideal day in January wasn't likely and I wanted to get the flight in while my training from Alex was still fresh in my mind. The only problems I had were minor. During taxi I had my hand on the flip flop button on the stick and did not hear my clearance from ground control. I had a hard time hearing the radio clearly with my headset, I'll have to get an ANR set. I was thinking about the landing and came into the pattern 800 feet too high. No problem getting it down with a slightly extended downwind. The landing was smooth and straight. I was a little high on the flare but held the landing attitude as Alex taught me and it settled in nicely.

Thanks to everyone on this list, especially Doug Reeves for providing this forum, you all have contributed to my success today.



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Many congratulations Frank!!!! Wishing you a good Phase I and many thousands of happy flights.

Good Job Frank. Glad to see you finally made it to the end. I think we talked back in the late 90's when I was finishing up my RV-6. Good luck with the remainder of the flight testing.
Great job Frank!

Frank and I are old skydiving buds (early 80's), so this first flight is extra special to me. Especially since he's the main reason I built my 7A. When I decided to get back into flying about 5 years ago I remembered that Frank was building an airplane. An "RV something". I got back in touch with him to ask about building and the rest is history!

Congratulations Frank!!


Congratulations on your first flight. Sorry that I never did get to meet you. My younger boy graduated from Purdue and moved to Indy. I no longer come to KLAF but go to KEYE often. I am sure that I will eventually see you somewhere. Keep warm while finishing your phase 1.

Congratulations on the first flight, Frank. Lets hope for good weather so you can fly off the Phase 1.
Frank, BIG congrats! I'm glad that I could inspire you to finish that thing instead of continuing to wallow around and avoid the inevitable. You know ... like I'M doing!

Heck, with 14.5 years in the making, I could screw around for another couple of years and still not pass you! Hmmm ... how long can I take finishing my wheel pants ...?

Congrats, Frank. Your mother and I are very proud of you. :D :D :D
Congratulations on getting your 6 in the air

We met and talked at EAA chapter meetings a few years ago when I lived in West Lafayette. I saw the thread here when you moved the plane from your basement, and am glad to see now that you have it in the air.

I have started on an 8 here in Raleigh, and I look forward to seeing you again at events when it is finished in a couple(?) of years. Please give my regards to others in the chapter there.

Best, John

After 14-1/2 years of building RV-6 serial number 21585 made it's maiden flight at Purdue University Airport (KLAF), Lafayette, IN.

Congratulations Frank ! I like the "fighter pilot" silk scarf....for keeping them boggies off your tail and not having your neck chafe..:)
Good Job Frank. Glad to see you finally made it to the end. I think we talked back in the late 90's when I was finishing up my RV-6. Good luck with the remainder of the flight testing.

Thanks Randy. I've followed your web site for many years. I look forward to having breakfast with you and the other Indiana RV'ers at Greencastle in the near future (within my test area).
Frank and I are old skydiving buds (early 80's)...

Hey Mark, "skydiving buds" would have been sufficient, why did you have to put the "old" in front of it? ;) Thanks for letting me fly your -7 before I trained with Alex. It helped get the rust off. Let me know when you decide to fly up to Paris and we can get together again.
Frank, BIG congrats! I'm glad that I could inspire you to finish that thing instead of continuing to wallow around and avoid the inevitable. You know ... like I'M doing!

Don, I'm planning to park next to you at OSH this year. No excuses, No exception, be there.
Congrats Frank! Your airplane looks gorgeous and you look really happy!! The bright yellow paint looks if you can get a shot with that scarf trailing back out the canopy, the Red Baron will run the other way!! :) All the best in Phase I!

Congrats Frank! Your airplane looks gorgeous and you look really happy!! The bright yellow paint looks if you can get a shot with that scarf trailing back out the canopy, the Red Baron will run the other way!! :) All the best in Phase I!

Thanks Bob. The scarf was a christmas present/joke from the kids but in actuallity was quite functional keeping the draft off of my neck. It wasn't too drafty for 28 F, I was comfortable. I may have to stick a strip of velcro to one end of the scarf and the other to the rear bulkhead to simulate Red Baron in his open cockpit, looking for Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel dog house. Pictures later.
Very nice, clean airplane, Frank. First all yellow I've seen and as my wife would say, its cute.

Congrats on the first flight.
Cute! Way to hurt a guy.

Very nice, clean airplane, Frank. First all yellow I've seen and as my wife would say, its cute.
Thanks for the compliment. But, you need to look a little closer, its not all yellow. I have white wings and horizontal stab. Eventually I will have subtle purple stripping on the sides, a nod to my yougest daughter. She has also made it clear that our first long cross country trip is to go see her at Virginia Tech, a 2 hour flight IPO 9 hour drive.


Me First

Congratulations on your first flight. Looked good in the air. The ground shot had too much of a close-up on the pilot.
Since I was the only brother to go skydiving with you:eek:, I think it's only right that I be the first one to fly in the RV. Can't wait for your test hours to finish. I'm have gas money set aside so you can fly to Beavercreek and back gratis. This will almost make it worth growing up with you....almost. :):):)