
Legacy Member
A few of you have asked if we can get together at OSH this year but as of last weekend that is highly unlikely.

I was involved in a taxi incident caused by a combination of someone leaving a low trailer in the middle of the taxiway, behind a small rise, a tail dragger, and polls used to mark the taxi way so I couldn't S-turn.

No aluminum was bent but the entire FWF package is toast. No people were hurt but I fear that I might get a paper cut, get an infection, and die while doing all the paperwork.

I'll explain more after I settle with the insurance company. Right now I'm not real pleased with their response but I'm sure that will get settled soon enough.

There is a slight chance we might drive in but who knows.

Have fun and be safe!
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Thats cr@ppy. Hope it works out ok with insurance.

I wont even bring up the nose dragger, tail dragger issue. :D

Glad there were no injuries, can always fix a plane.
Wow, bummer. Glad nobody got hurt. That's surely one of those "there but for the grace of God go I" accidents for anyone who flies a tail dragger.

Here's a nickel's worth of free advice- even if you have to drive, go to Oshkosh. Especially if it's your first time, a few days or a week in Oshkosh will do wonders for your aviation batteries, and give you the motivation to go back and tackle your new project.

Really sorry to hear that...what a pisser. Hope the party that left the tow trailer in the taxiway steps up. My heart goes out to you! Good luck with the paper trail and the repairs. Man...just sick to hear this!

I'll go along with Jeff on this one--don't miss Oshkosh on account of this. Another week won't make that much difference anyway. I'll go one step further--it's a long way from where you are to Osh. We are right on the way, probably about half way (60 miles south of Indy.) Our door is open to you. Anything we can do to make your trip easier, just let me know. PM if you are interested. Absolute bummer. Don't make it worse by letting it ruin your planned trip.

Bob Kelly

Really sorry to hear that...what a pisser. Hope the party that left the tow trailer in the taxiway steps up. My heart goes out to you! Good luck with the paper trail and the repairs. Man...just sick to hear this!


Nope, it is all on me and the insurance company has made it very clear that it is my fault.

The reall bummer is it is the same guy who told me to take the taxiway that left the trailer there.

As for going to OSH, been there done that. My wife and son have not and they had planned on joining me this year. There is a chance we might come but the plane won't for obvious reasons.
... Anything we can do to make your trip easier, just let me know. ...
Bob Kelly
Bob, thanks for the offer. My family has scheduled a family reunion the weekend before up in Mid-Michigan that we had planned on attending. If we go, we will drive up there and then up and over the lake to OSH on Monday.

Our plans are changing every day, as you can imagine.

We hope to retrieve the plane next Saturday and stuff it back in the basement where I'll do the repairs.

Who knows, I might actually take the opportunity to have it painted while it is appart.

As a friend said to me, "You must have really hit it hard! Look, you knocked the paint right off!"
could a guy do this?

Hi sorry for the mishap, could a person mount a small bullet camera in the wing or cowl and have a small screen laptop ect. in the cockpit to see exactly whats in front of you in a TD? Seems cheap and I sure would hate to hit something or a person on the ramp,short like a kid that didn't know the dangers of being close to a plane. Maybe this is a dumb idea not being a TD driver,I'm just thinking out loud. Gene
Hi sorry for the mishap, could a person mount a small bullet camera in the wing or cowl and have a small screen laptop ect. in the cockpit to see exactly whats in front of you in a TD? Seems cheap and I sure would hate to hit something or a person on the ramp,short like a kid that didn't know the dangers of being close to a plane. Maybe this is a dumb idea not being a TD driver,I'm just thinking out loud. Gene


It has been done but then you would spend your time looking at the camera and not your wing tips. Also, you have no depth perception with 2d cameras.

The RV's really have good visability over the nose but the combination of a low trailer, a small hill, and the inability to S-turn due to the polls used to mark the taxiway were just the right combination of events.
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Thats cr@ppy. Hope it works out ok with insurance.

I wont even bring up the nose dragger, tail dragger issue. :D

Glad there were no injuries, can always fix a plane.

Well you did. But sorry about what happened.

I remember about 2 months ago, I was in my kitfox(tail wheel) and I was taxi back to the hanger, the way was tight so you can't zig. I also had the sun coming up and right in the eyes. I quickly put the hat on and continued. As I got to my right turn around a hanger, I hit the left brake so I could go right and take a looksy. Right in front of me, not even 30ft, was a husky running and waiting for me to stop(he was making a left). I hit the brakes, only doing about 5mph. Good thing, that would have made a real mess. Those darn tail draggers, but you got to love em still.

Hope you get er put back together soon.
Bill, sorry to hear about your plane. Do you think you'll put a 290 back in it? I really enjoyed reading your FWF chronicles with the 290, and had always hoped to have a look at it in person.
Sorry to miss you

So, I assume you won't go to Mackinac Island? What's your route via IFR (I follow roads)? It might be fun to meet at DET if not at the Island. You will probably go right up I-75 from Toledo?

Huge sympathy about the airplane.
Who knows, I might actually take the opportunity to have it painted while it is appart.

Excellent! :) Then they're really done!

I'm just getting around to painting my wheel pants and fairings while I have the plane apart for it's condition inspection. Painting just those parts now seems to be a pain in the ###.

Sorry about the accident, though.

Oh Man... sorry to hear this! If there is some way I can help, please let me know. The wife and I were going to make OSH but the wife now has a surgery on the 9th... Soooo Osh is out this year. Oh well... we'll make it again soon.
so very sorry to hear of the mishap, Bill .... but glad you're OK. I sure hope to see you as OSH anyway.
Hey Bill-

I am SOOOO sorry to hear about the mishap. Best thing is it can be fixed and you will make OSH next year! Glad there were no injuries!

Peter K

This hurts. Reading your post was hard on me.

A year from now this incident will just be a memory and some photos.
Keep your dauber up.

I know you'll have it flying again soon, better than ever.

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What kind of insurance do you have? If they don't feel like they should cover a taxi accident, please let us know so we can avoid them. That seems like a pretty simple claim.
What kind of insurance do you have? If they don't feel like they should cover a taxi accident, please let us know so we can avoid them. That seems like a pretty simple claim.

I've read Bill's posts several times and still can't find where he writes that they won't cover it. I did read that their interpretation was that it was his fault, but that's a different issue.


As I told you yesterday when you called, I am really sorry to hear about this and then get more details you are giving here. I am planning on coming up there Saturday to lend a hand to get the thing apart and on the trailer. Stay in touch.
Thanks everyone.

The insurance company will cover the damage, the debate is how much damage is there and how much my premiums go up. Think everything between the bolts that hold the engine mount to the fuselage and the spinner. Heck, even the spinner may need to be changed depending on the prop I end up with. Sorry LA, it will be another Catto two bladed fixed pitch prop.

As for the O-290, I suspect that it is trashed but we will dial the crank when I get it home. Right now when you turn it over the starter ring goes from touching the starter motor to about 1/4" away. If this motor is trash and I really expect it is, then I will have to figure out what to do next. O-235, O-320, O-340, O-360, injection, etc.?

Whatever happens I will document the damage on my web site and the rebuild.

The bummer of it all is that we were supposed to fly to Oklahoma to visit Nora's Grandmother and family. Not to mention the aforementioned trip to OSH.

As Nora said, I need my hobby back and it looks like that's what I got.
Hang in there, Bill. Sure am sorry to hear all this. Anything you need you just ask....

Bill, examine EVERYTHING carefully as it seems you will. Even the engine mount could be suspect.

What confuses me is that apparently hazards were placed in a way that caused this problem. There are standards on what can be where in the safety area, what height, frangible couplings, etc.
Hey Bill,

Sorry to hear about all this. I was bummed out when I read your posts here. Good luck with the repairs; hope the process goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Bill, examine EVERYTHING carefully as it seems you will. Even the engine mount could be suspect.

What confuses me is that apparently hazards were placed in a way that caused this problem. There are standards on what can be where in the safety area, what height, frangible couplings, etc.


The engine mount appears to be cracked in two places and is on the list of things to replace. After it comes home I will inspect the attach points on the inside of the fuselage for damage as well. From the inspections I have done, no aluminum is bent and the firewall is wrinkle free.

Everything will be repaired or replaced FWF, simple as that. There isn't any part that is too small to overlook.

As for the airport "standards" for equipment. This happened on a VERY large private field and the taxiway didn't exist a few hours before my arrival. It was a big grass field and the taxiway was just marked with tall polls w/ flags so the expected 100 - 200 airplanes would know where to go.

They also used the polls to mark rows for parking.

A big thunderstorm had just passed and the ground was VERY wet when we taxied in. Between the hill and the soggy ground I had a lot of power in but wasn't going very fast when I crested the hill and hit the trailer. The thunderstorm is the reason the trailer was left where it was. When the storm came in, the volunteers ran to secure airplanes and after the storm passed, they forgot about it. When I landed, it was one of the volunteers who directed me to take their newly erected and marked taxiway. Apparently the volunteer forgot the trailer was there as well. A cheap bicycle flag would have saved a lot of money.
The insurance company will cover the damage, the debate is how much damage is there and how much my premiums go up. Think everything between the bolts that hold the engine mount to the fuselage and the spinner. Heck, even the spinner may need to be changed depending on the prop I end up with.


After my accident I had the same insurance worries. The talking heads on the phone were less than optimistic about anything. The adjuster, on the other hand, was easy to work with. Got an estimate for repair that covered material and my time to fix the plane. I consumed about 60% of the insured hull value in the repair and my insurance only went up $200 albeit with the warning that if I had a second claim in a 5 year period, it would make me uninsurable.

I'm sorry it happened to you I know it is a sickening feeling but hang in there.
Sorry to hear about the incident, Bill. Sounds like quite the prop strike. Possibly an o320 is in the cards, no?
So sorry to hear about this, given that you are my hero for the O-290, TD combo in a -9. If you need any assistance on sourcing 290 parts or anything let me know. FWIW, if the crank is shot, from what I understand, the right 320 crank will fit. I can test that for you if you want. I've got one in the box, just waiting for that exact purpose.
So sorry to hear about this, given that you are my hero for the O-290, TD combo in a -9. If you need any assistance on sourcing 290 parts or anything let me know. FWIW, if the crank is shot, from what I understand, the right 320 crank will fit. I can test that for you if you want. I've got one in the box, just waiting for that exact purpose.


Thanks for the help. At this point I don't know the extent of the damage but it looks like one, possibly two cylinders are also damaged (the exhaust stack is partially pulled away from the studs, which can cause cylinder cracking, I've been told.)

Although the O-290 can be converted to an O-320, by the time you do that it is the same price to put a new O-320 up front. The conversion requires cylinders, pistons, rods, crank, sump, carb, and some other misc. items. The sump is required for the larger MA4 carb to fit. (O-290's use an MA3 carb.) The list just keeps going on and on.

I've looked at doing this conversion before and it just isn't worth the cost.
Very sorry to hear of this. I look forward to one day seeing your 9 when it returns to the skies.

Thanks for the help. At this point I don't know the extent of the damage but it looks like one, possibly two cylinders are also damaged (the exhaust stack is partially pulled away from the studs, which can cause cylinder cracking, I've been told.)

Although the O-290 can be converted to an O-320, by the time you do that it is the same price to put a new O-320 up front. The conversion requires cylinders, pistons, rods, crank, sump, carb, and some other misc. items. The sump is required for the larger MA4 carb to fit. (O-290's use an MA3 carb.) The list just keeps going on and on.

I've looked at doing this conversion before and it just isn't worth the cost.

Oh yes I know. I didn't realize the extent of the damage.. I was just thinking prop-strike, with possible cracked flange. The -320 crank has the same throw, just bigger flange, and some have bigger bearings. If you needed a new crank, and not all the other parts, that is the option... the engine would still displace 290ci...

I agree that these engines are cost prohibitive unless you have a plan.

On the exact opposite end of the spectrum, if you want to SELL any of the good parts left of the -D let me know as well.

Lycoming still sells factory new O-480 cylinders too, but they're angle valvers... so you'd have to change all four. My only spare cylinder is unfortunately a -G, not a -D
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If you end up driving from Mid-Michigan to OSH, you might want to look into taking the carferry that goes from Ludington to Sheboygan, WI. It might be pricey, but a lot more fun and almost a direct line across the lake.

If you end up driving from Mid-Michigan to OSH, you might want to look into taking the carferry that goes from Ludington to Sheboygan, WI. It might be pricey, but a lot more fun and almost a direct line across the lake.



Thanks for the reminder, that ride is always enjoyable and we have friends in Ludington we could visit on the way. It all depends on our schedule, which is wide open at this point.
The real bummer is it is the same guy who told me to take the taxiway that left the trailer there.

As much as I hate lawyers----and there isnt enough bandwidth here to go into detail--------this sounds like just cause for a bit of lawsuit, if I ever heard of one.
As much as I hate lawyers----and there isnt enough bandwidth here to go into detail--------this sounds like just cause for a bit of lawsuit, if I ever heard of one.

Just turn in the claim to your insurer. If there's a legit case against someone else, they'll pursue it with their own lawyers. You'll be 2 years into flying the rebuilt airplane by then.
Yes it's a dragon tail


I join with everyone else in saying sorry to hear about the accident. I was looking forward to meeting you at OSH. You were/are an inspiration to me. I am also building an RV-9 (Yes it's a dragon tail). I am guessing your ?rebuild? will take less time than it will take me to finish. So I?ll keep watching your web site and getting inspiration.

We are going to OSH but N941WR will not

Good news!

My more than wonderful wife wants to do a road trip!

So, it looks like we will make OSH after all. She, who must be obeyed, even wants to do the tent camping thing with The Boy. So, if you see a goofy looking guy walking around with a cute, out of his league, blond and a really cute nine month-old, stop us and introduce yourself.

Where is the best place for us to set up our tent and other "stuff". Every time I have been there I either stayed in a hotel or camped next to the plane.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

PS. I really appreciate the words of encouragement from the forum members! N941WR will fly again when and with what engine are the big questions. The good news is that it will be painted while I have it down for "maintenance".

It might be considered cheating, but Sleepy Hollow Farms is a private campground right in the middle of everything. There are several of us RV folks there. You can pay for a tent site (cheap) and free load a bit off some of us with big campers,trailers etc. We have power, air and fridges. Cold beer, and hot coffee, oven, microwave toaster etc...lots of things that might be nice to have. More then happy to help out anyway. My wife, kids, and even inlaws with their camper will be there. If we can help provide a few luxuries just ask. Tent camping with a little one can be tough....happy to be your base camp... Your call.
We are there sat to thurs am, i am sure the other vaf guys would also help out with whatever would help.
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After more than two months it looks like I might actually be close to settling with the insurance company.

Still a long way from getting the check but once I do, I will be able to start on the plane.

As I said in my first post, everything FwF was damaged. The prop hit the trailer up close to the spinner so the damage was extensive.

Max allowable runout (wobble) on the prop flange is .005, mine dialed at .070 when we stopped measuring. The engine mount cracked in two places, the exhaust was crushed against the sump, pinching the starter wires, which melted. As the trailer hit the cowling it road up over the alternator, which cracked, the exhaust flanges pulled at #1 & #2 cylinders and damaged those. In addition we think the sump is cracked because it was leaking but since I couldn't get the exhaust off (the tubes were bent back over the bolts), we couldn't see where the leak(s) were from. The carb took a hit and the FAB has to be replaced. Needless to say, the cowling was also damaged. Even the baffles were slightly bent.

The good news is that there is not a single wrinkle in the firewall or other aluminum.

When it flies again in six months, it should fly as straight as when it first flew.

As for which engine I will put on there, I don't know yet. I'm still waiting for the check and will weigh my options when that clears the bank.
A nice shiney IO-340 would look nice in there :).

Yawn... I must be bored. Keep us updated though.