Chalk up another flying 9A to Van's fleet. Today RV-9A N929JA blasted out of Georgetown, Texas airport into the cool clear skies. After almost 5 years, and roughly 2000 building hours this 1110 pound bird got off the ground. The airworthiness certificate was actually issued in July, but first flight was delayed till now. Thanks to eHarmony, I took time out for a courtship, and a wedding. I now have a copilot wife who loves to fly, and is looking forward to getting her own license. The 9A was everything I had hoped for. With the Hartzell constant speed prop, it climbs like a rocket, and lands like a Cessna 150. This is one amazing aircraft. It's powered by a Lycoming O-320 D1A. The equipment list includes a Grand Rapids EFIS, EIS 4000 engine monitor, Garmin 430, 340, 330, SL-40, and 396. Thanks again to Vans ( I'm a repeat offender - 8A ) for such a spectacular design, and excellent builder support. A big thanks to Lowell Lemay for flying chase and providing me with all the training, and support required to pull this off. Also... ( I know this is starting to sound like an Oscar speech ) I can't thank Scott, and Tanya Card enough for all the moral support, cookies, and helpful suggestions. Also... Jeff Bordelon for the nav lights to die for, rotating fuselage stand, countless suggestions, and bucking help.

- Jim
RV-9A ( FLYING! ) 929JA
RV-8A ( sold ) 89JA


Yes to another RV Grin.....way to go and be safe during the phase process!!!

Frank @ SGU RV7A....NDY.....BGC.......
Congratulations! On both counts, the wedding and the first flight. That's quite a hectic few months for you.
May 1 million bugs splatter upon your windscreen and both gas caps become worn out. Congrats Jim! Cant wait for a ride!
Congrats, Jim. I was at GTU today doing a BFR and a Flight Advisor session. Sorry I missed you.

You built a very fine ship and I'm sure it will serve you well...

It looks like another work of art has emerged from your garage. Awesome looking plane! Fly safe and keep the blue side up. :)
Way to go Jim! Awesome job. I still drool when I see that carbon fiber canopy frame.
Good to have another -9A

Jim - you are gonna love it. I snuck out of work today to fly a bit. Can't beat it to solve the conference call blues!!
Congratulations, Jim, on the package deal of completed plane and wife. If you can, please post data from your flyoff time. This is an area I would like to see grow in the RV-9 community.
Blue skies!
Best of Luck, Jim... enjoy your work of art... enjoy your RV grin!!! You've earned it!!!
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