Frank Smidler

Well Known Member
NOTE: N# changed to N96FS.

This is my first post with phots so I hope it works.

After 13-1/2 years my RV-6 finally was removed from our basement. I have been working on it more in the last 1-1/2 years and I finally came to the point were I could do no more in the basement, I had to get it out.

People have been asking for the last 12 years as I built how I was going to get it out of the basement. Here are the photos showing how it was done. I could not have done it with out the help of family and friends in aviation. Thanks Ed Williams, Dan Finney, BJ Moore, my son Derek, his friends Ben Smith, Zack Loft and RJ Reichart.
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That is great news! Congrats!

It makes getting my -9 out of my basement seem trivial by comparison.
It must have been a great feeling seeing it sit outside on it's own two wheels.

Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Now, THAT is dedication and commitment. Not just staying with the project for an extended period, but taking a backhoe to your yard to get it out of the basement! My hat is off to you... way to overcome!
I laughed out loud! Thnaks for sharing!

The new window is a great safety feature to your home. Adds value too!
Way to go Frank!

I enjoyed all the photos of the extraction! Thanks for sharing. I know you're thrilled to have it out at last.


(Frank and I became friends back in the early 80's, Skydiving.)
Great Dig Out!

Great job, Frank ..... Hang in and complete it. I took 14+ years to complete my RV-4 (maiden flight 0n 6/23/07) --
Congrats! Great pics.

Darrell Herk
With the egress window now in place, you will be all set to start building a second airplane when this one is finished!
With the egress window now in place, you will be all set to start building a second airplane when this one is finished!

My son Derek already wants to start his own project but his mom is not so enthusiastic about it. I keep telling him, first get your private license and then start a project that I may have to finish when he goes to collage (Air Force Academy??).
Thanks for sharing all the pictures... can't believe you dug a hole and punched a wall through your basement. Great ingenuity!! That -6 looks fantastic. Way to persevere.