I think this site has earned a big thank you and all the builders who contribute along with Doug. The build would have been longer without the great input however I would not have seen so many good mods :D The inspection is set for July 9 i will update with some first flight info.

You made it to the finish line!

Looks good!, Congratulations on achieving the major milestone of completing her. Wish you the best in your inspection and all of the great adventures ahead of you.

Great looking plane but that grass strip you have there has some obstacles.:eek:
you lucky lucky bugger!

Looks like the fun is about to reach a higher level. Well done.

Although, would it be improper of me to recommend a slightly more protective flight suit than the skin-tight one you appear to have on in the photo? I've heard of minimising weight, but I think you might be taking it a bit too literally!:D:D