
Well Known Member
My airplane's first flight was on November 28.

Because ground runing times need to be minimized until the engine is broken in, the maximum power check was conducted on the runway. The throttle was advanced looking for approximately 2700 prop RPM. Since the RPM stabilized at between 2690 and 2700, the brakes were released and throttle advanced to full open. The airplane lifted off in the three point attitude, and a slight pitch down resulted in a 100 knot climb. With just a touch of elevator trim, the airplane was climbing dead straight ahead hands-off. A left turn was initiated, and the rest of the flight was conducted at 2000 ft (1400 AGL) in an orbit above the GPM airport. A power reduction to 2500 RPM and 25 MAP resulted in a stabilized indication of 160 knots. CHT's were all between 330 and 360, with EGT's 1300 to 1325, oil pressure 70 psi, and oil temperature 178. After about 25 minutes of flight time, the aircraft was slowed to 60 knots, then brought back to 160 knots. Next, the flaps were extended approximately 20 degrees as the aircraft was again slowed to 60 knots, followed by flap retraction and resumption of cruise speed. A low approach to the runway was flown next, with a normal pattern and landing following. The highest recorded CHT during the flight was 375 degrees, and the highest recorded oil temp was 186 degrees. Both of these temperatures were noted during slow flight, and both recovered when normal speed was resumed. The only squawks noted during the flight were a calibration error in the fuel pressure and a loose cowling fastener found on the postflight. Very successful first flight!

"Rooster" Williams flew chase:
Congrats Pat

on a great first flight and a beautiful airplane! Looks like Sunday is shaping up to be a good time to burn off some Phase I time!
Congratulations Pat!

Very nice writeup and photos. Thanks for including all the engine parameters -- those are very informative.

So who flew chase for Rooster? Or was that last photo taken from the ground? :D

Have fun with your new bird!

Now the real work begins only its a bunch more fun. Good luck on a successful phase I.

Mike R.
Way to go

With Jealous admiration I offer you a hardy congratulations. Every day that one of us gets off of the ground is a great day for the RV team. Great aircraft and great hobby.
I am really enjoying saying this again


and a new 8 in the crowd.

Wow! Congrats! I hope my first flight will be as uneventful and that my writeup will be nearly as good.

Congratulations Pat! I hope you do better than me keeping PW-5 current with a flying RV right there.