With a Jabiru 120 HP. How you gonna keep that thing under 120 kts? What's left for payload # with what that motor weighs over a 912 ULS?
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With a Jabiru 120 HP. How you gonna keep that thing under 120 kts? What's left for payload # with what that motor weighs over a 912 ULS?

It's amateur-built. The LSA speed limit does not apply. And HP has little to do with speed.
Congratulations Joe !👍 During my build I often used your posts for reference and cross checking. Happy for you that you are airborne
Wow giddy up! Regarding the high-speed taxi with the nose off the ground, just curious: What's the purpose? Are you looking for a rough rotation speed? Or gauging how the aircraft will perform (and how well braking will work) during the landing roll? Or both?

Looks like the engine quit towards the end of that second run, too--did you diagnose this? Idle set too low or something else?

Nice to see video here--very informative!
Idel was set at 750 rpm

Idel was set at 750 rpm will move it up to 850 rpm if I need to.

the engine only has about 2 hours on it.

I am trying to keep the idle low to help stop the aircraft from floating down the runway.
Gauging how the aircraft will perform and how well braking will work during the landing roll and rudder authority to hold the aircraft on the centerline. all went well.

First flight was today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXgJ6BFARaA

Jun 9, 2022 First test flight of N7944A Pilot Lynn Postel
All went well.

Wow giddy up! Regarding the high-speed taxi with the nose off the ground, just curious: What's the purpose? Are you looking for a rough rotation speed? Or gauging how the aircraft will perform (and how well braking will work) during the landing roll? Or both?

Looks like the engine quit towards the end of that second run, too--did you diagnose this? Idle set too low or something else?

Nice to see video here--very informative!
Try final approach speeds where you've made the airfield and cleared the fence at 60 kts, 58 kts and 56 kts, with just you in the plane, and see how that helps with float.

You might find you just have to slip the plane a bit on final to lose the altitude and keep airspeed in check.
I use a full-fwd slip when landing at my home field - 2100' long. A kind neighbor planted spruce trees at the end of the runway and now they have grown nearly 30' tall. I'm about 55 KIAS over top of trees and then start a slip that I hold all the way to final flare. I warn people who fly with me what is about to happen so they don't mess my seats...