
Well Known Member
Today my RV-9A became air worthy! It was inspected by Vic Syracuse, and I am very happy to report that Vic only found three or four items that needed my attention. I would like to thank Vic for his thorough inspection and operating limitations that work very well with my plans for phase I flights. I also would like to thank Jesse Saint for his assistance in my preparations for the inspection. His support was a large contributor to my success. One other note of thanks is to my wife, Kathy. She has been a great help in the construction of N789KD and put up with my slacking off on home maintenance activities the last few weeks.:D:):D


Hey, I notice you made your baggage area floors removable. How did you handle the interface of the baggage rear panel, floors and x06 bulkhead? I'm building a 7, but of course it's pretty much identical in that area. The plans have you rivet the floors to the bulkhead (706 in my case), and rivet the nut plates for the rear baggage panel to them both.

Did you just use the 8 screws and nut plates and leave the other rivet holes empty, or did you add more?
put up with my slacking off on home maintenance activities the last few weeks

More like the last few years for me! Congrats! You're in for some fun!
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