
Today at about 5:45 PM central time, 120164 with Dean Sombke (RV-10 pilot)at the controls, took to the air for the first time from the Central Ne Regional Airport. After doing a few touch and go's with Larry Geiger in his 12, who flew into Grand Island from Crete, Ne, Dean piloted 7185A for about 45 minutes doing several touch and go's and reported upon his final landing that the flight was a non event, i.e no heavy wing--no problems--it flew straight and true. After the 5 hour flyoff time, I will be able to go for a ride in my own RV-12 as presently I only have a powered parachute endorsement under my sport pilot license. Can't wait!!

Good job finishing that RV-12. The rest is the most fun part. I am finding that the 5 hour fly off is pretty optimistic to finish the Flight Test Cards. It is taking me quite a bit longer than 5 hours. But who cares? :)
If I understand the ELSA Operating Limitations, you need to finish the cards before you can certify the Phase 1 signoff statement in the aircraft logbook.

Oh, and if Larry was there, you guys should have some pictures to post ;)

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Oh, and if Larry was there, you guys should have some pictures to post ;)


How did you know that! :D

Here is Alan by his proud bird.


Here is Dean with the famous RV Grin!
