
Well Known Member
At 0630 this morning with Mike Smith and his RV-7A as safety chase she flew for the first time. Everything went smoothly and she seemed well trimmed (only slightly right wing heavy). The only issue was high CHTs (400-430) which I'm told is normal for a new engine during break-in.

Special thanks to Mike for his help and safety chase. Also, a big thank you to all the forum members that have helped me throughout the build. It's not over yet, but it sure feels good to get to this point.


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I can't wait myself to get my RV-6A completed so I can join the ranks. By the way, Mike Smith was the one who gave me a ride in his RV-7A when I was out in Henderson to pick up my RV-6A kit. Great guy! I gave him credits on my kitlog website.:):)

Enjoy your ride!!
Way to go. I get mine inspected Saturday. If goes right, than later that day for the flight. Getting excited.

congratulations......Take a deep breath and enjoy. I am doing the inventory of harware for my RV8 emp kit. Can you remember how long ago that was for you?????? Nice to hear you have it in the air.....