
Well Known Member
Well, I passed 1000 hours on the hobbs yesterday on the way to the wonderful Boone fly in! (I hope there is no video of that landing - crosswinds were quite entertaining!)

My son Brett was thoughtful enough to make this plaque a few weeks ago (if only I could be so thoughtful!) anticipating this.

What a wonderful, life changing thing the RV has been. So many good and wonderful people, so many unique experiences. For those of you still building, it is well worth it - most rewarding things are not easy...

Oh, I did manage to be at the top of a loop just when the clock ticked over... that had been planned for a while.

The plane has been very reliable, with only minor maintenance things to deal with. FAB top plates cracking (twice), tires, oil changes (twenty or so!), lower cowl hinges breaking off, a couple minor avionics repairs needed. Engine has only needed a new fuel pump, still showing about 76 on all cylinders' compression, oil consumption stable at about a quart per 8 to 10 hours. I hope the second thousand go as well as the first! The vacuum pump was rebuilt around 500 hours, I'll replace with new one at annual time.

I can honestly say that the 1000th hour was every bit as rewarding as the first few, the experience never dulls.

That's great Alex - I always like to have a "fleet leader" out in front of me somewhere....:rolleyes:

Good job Alex and no nose gear collapses to boot. ;)

Sounds like you have a lot of fun with your RV and that's what its all about.:cool::)
Good job

With only 300 hours on mine that seems a long way off!

Lets hope I can continue to afford to run the thing..:)

Congrats Alex!!

BTW, I saw your landing and it wasn't that bad from where I was standing. The wind was whipping on Sat, and there were a few very "firm or bumpy" arrivals by some of our bretheren, but nothing compared to what a few of the certified guys showed!

Anyway, congrats again. When is the next one going together?

Congrats Alex!!

BTW, I saw your landing and it wasn't that bad from where I was standing. The wind was whipping on Sat, and there were a few very "firm or bumpy" arrivals by some of our bretheren, but nothing compared to what a few of the certified guys showed!

Anyway, congrats again. When is the next one going together?


Stein, thanks for covering for me...

Regarding the next one, it seems that my airplane building money is being donated to various universities at this time. Definitely would like to build one again, though.