Jack Beck

Active Member
On November 12, Joe Norris (DAR) inspected the RV-9A that we had been so carefully building for nearly four years. Thanks to the advice and encouragement of all our EAA technical counselors (Chris Good, Jeff Point, and especially Rick Glick), the inspector found no deficits and consequently granted N565VT an experimental airworthiness certificate.
We then set quickly to the task of returning access panels and covers to their appropriate locations. With an eye towards Nov 21 and building high pressure, we saw a weather window that looked perfectly suited for a first flight. As the fog lifted on Saturday morning, a busy crew of family and friends made final flight preparations. Rick Glick who had graciously offered to fly his RV-7A in chase and as camera platform took to the air first.
Then the time had come. Even with more than two thousand hours of careful work on this airplane and multiple high-speed taxi test runs behind us, there was still that hint of uncertainty on just how the engine and control systems would perform when a full air load was put on them. There was only one way to find out; push the throttle in and be ready for anything. Our airplane broke ground quickly and climbed with the same passion the builders had put into its construction. During this one-hour flight, our RV flew straight and true demonstrating no undesirable characteristics. We had always thought that flying the airplane largely built in our home would be an amazing experience. It proved to be that and so much more.

For the story which lies behind our build see the article by Bob Collins found here.
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Bet you are glad to have the building stuff behind you.
Jack & Marmy:

CONGRATULATIONS! What excellent news. The two of you have built an outstanding RV. ...now it's time to enjoy flying it.
Good show, Jack.

Congrats on building it and flying it successfully. It's as much an accomplishment as those 2 PHD's together. :)
Köhler;380119 said:
Jack & Marmy:

CONGRATULATIONS! What excellent news. The two of you have built an outstanding RV. ...now it's time to enjoy flying it.

Thanks Karl. Just remember that we were once where you are now. The road is much shorter than you think. When we get the phase 1 flying off done, we will get you a ride.
Congrats as well

Congratulations on a flying airplane. Looking forward to the day I can say I'm in Phase 1.
Wow, you guys! I had no idea you were so close to first flight.

Gee, you two will need something to do to wean yourself off the habit of building. I've got just the thing! :rolleyes:

Seriously, you two are an inspiration in so many ways!


Working with you guys has been much more than a TC to builder relationship. I think we have talked at least once per day for the last 3+ years and recently I have been to your hangar 2 or three times a week since you have been there. Sherri and I feel like we are more Family than anything. Trust me, Jack has a BIG family! Great Kids!

Half way through my build, as you know, we lost Chris Good (RIP) and we were both pretty much without an RV TC within our Chapter. We did have Jeff Point, thanks Jeff, but it's just not the same as having someone close and have an RV that you can look at anytime. I just didn't want you guys to go without having someone to bounce thoughts and ideas off of and stare and compare with another RV at any time of the day or night.

The time we've spent training in my RV and the assistance I was able to give you in the build, has been invaluable. If you all don't already know Jack is a CFII and I have learned as much about flying from him as he did learning to fly the RV, probably more. He is one of the best instructors I have ever known. Hands down.. Every time I go up with Jack, I learn something. Isn't that what it is all about? I enjoy every hop we take.

With that said, we were very excited to see 565VT take flight Saturday and I had a hoot of a time following you around the patch and giving Peter the opportunity to take Video. I still don't know if you can make right turns in that thing yet. Seriously, it looked beautiful.

Nice to have another RV on ETB.

Looking forward to future trips together..
Happy skies J&M!

Flying since 4/3/08
280 hrs and climbing
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Congrats again Jack. Enjoyed your presentation at the EAA meeting last night, now get me some pictures and a write up for the Flypaper! I'm glad I was able to help out in some small way to the success of the project. The Tech Counselor program is a lot about giving something back; a lot of people helped me out when I was getting started, and it's good to pay back. When the dust settles and you get some time on your plane, consider getting involved in the TC and/ or Flight Adviser program.
Thanks for all your kind words, Bob. It really is our priviledge to have met so many wonderful people during the course of our build. As soon as we get phase 1 done, we will make a point of flying up for a visit! Perhaps we can make a day of it and lend a hand. Time for us to pay forward on all the help we have received along the way.

Wow, you guys! I had no idea you were so close to first flight.

Gee, you two will need something to do to wean yourself off the habit of building. I've got just the thing! :rolleyes:

Seriously, you two are an inspiration in so many ways!
You are right about all the times we have leaned into your expertise. Sure glad you have not been billing us by the hour!! You have been an invaluable asset to us particularly from the moment we started to put the rivet gun down and picked up the electrical and firewall forward stuff. Thanks for all your help on the day of the first flight. Nice to hear a familiar voice in the sky when the CHT's started to climb faster than the airplane.
Working on my right turns....


Working with you guys has been much more than a TC to builder relationship. I think we have talked at least once per day for the last 3+ years and recently I have been to your hangar 2 or three times a week since you have been there. Sherri and I feel like we are more Family than anything. Trust me, Jack has a BIG family! Great Kids!

Half way through my build, as you know, we lost Chris Good (RIP) and we were both pretty much without an RV TC within our Chapter. We did have Jeff Point, thanks Jeff, but it's just not the same as having someone close and have an RV that you can look at anytime. I just didn't want you guys to go without having someone to bounce thoughts and ideas off of and stare and compare with another RV at any time of the day or night.

The time we've spent training in my RV and the assistance I was able to give you in the build, has been invaluable. If you all don't already know Jack is a CFII and I have learned as much about flying from him as he did learning to fly the RV, probably more. He is one of the best instructors I have ever known. Hands down.. Every time I go up with Jack, I learn something. Isn't that what it is all about? I enjoy every hop we take.

With that said, we were very excited to see 565VT take flight Saturday and I had a hoot of a time following you around the patch and giving Peter the opportunity to take Video. I still don't know if you can make right turns in that thing yet. Seriously, it looked beautiful.

Nice to have another RV on ETB.

Looking forward to future trips together..
Happy skies J&M!

Flying since 4/3/08
280 hrs and climbing
I will send you a quick summary and photos for the newsletter. It sure was great to reconnect with a fellow North Star instructor. I have enjoyed our talks and we have appreciated all the encouragement and direction you have brought our way. Like the idea of doing TC or FA work...more on that after we get phase 1 behind us, the wheelpants on, and at least a few of those national parks visited that are on our trip planning board!

Congrats again Jack. Enjoyed your presentation at the EAA meeting last night, now get me some pictures and a write up for the Flypaper! I'm glad I was able to help out in some small way to the success of the project. The Tech Counselor program is a lot about giving something back; a lot of people helped me out when I was getting started, and it's good to pay back. When the dust settles and you get some time on your plane, consider getting involved in the TC and/ or Flight Adviser program.