
As a long time lurker on VAF, I finally have someting to contribute.

After 4 1/2 years of building, logging on to VAF every day to search for solutions to questions I had during the build, I am finally done.

N489KT flew on Saturday for the first time and it was all I expected it to be.

Thanks go out to my brother Mike Talovich and Scott Chastain, who had great infulence on the outcome of my plane. Without their help, knowledge and experiance, I would have never been able to produce such a high quality aircraft. Thanks guys for having the RV8 "hotline" always open.

I can't say enough about John Stahr, who truly took my vision and put it in paint. John and Patti are fantastic people and I am humbled to know them and call them friends.

The link below is the video and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did flying the first flight, no music, just the sights and sounds of my first flight.

Thank you Doug Reeves and all those that post on VAF, you helped my more than you will ever know

Ken Talovich
RV8 N489KT
Flying, Woo Hoo !!

Ken, congratulations on the new fledgling.

Good looking bird, John Stahr is an amazingly talented painter.

This is a great time glad to see more RVs fly. Seems like several each month, I know at least 3 that will fly in the next two months.

Nice work.

With that crowd, I doubt you guys will have any problems with the Luftwaffe in your neck of the woods..... :)

As a long time lurker on VAF, I finally have someting to contribute.

After 4 1/2 years of building, logging on to VAF every day to search for solutions to questions I had during the build, I am finally done.

N489KT flew on Saturday for the first time and it was all I expected it to be.

Congratulations Ken.....a squeaker landing to boot......let the fun begin....!!
Great looking -8. Big time congrats. Looks like your experience should make Phase 1 a non-event.

I just love loading VAF every morning and seeing a First Flight. Happening a lot lately. I remember it like it was yesterday.
4 hours on the tach


Thanks so much for all the congratualtions and the support. It was a great day and I could not have asked for a more trouble free first flight.

I have flown "Pride and Joy" 5 times since Saturday and it just keeps getting better.

My Aerosport Power IO-375 and Whrilwind 200RV propeller are running very smooth. Oil temps are 178 degrees with cylinder head temps at 320 to 340 degrees during my afternoon flight with ambient temps in the high 80's. Have to wait until it get hot here to see if I have adaquate cooling, but so far it looks good.

My only issue so far was a buzzing canopy skirt if I exceeded 155kts, fixed that after the first flight with some weatherstriping material under the skirt.

I also have a slightly heavy right wing that will need some attention.

Otherwise no other discrepencies to report at this time, so its on to getting some of the test cards flown off and really see what the baby will do

Ken Talovich
N489KT RV8
Flying !!