
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...this is a copy of Robert's post from the 'show us the status' section. This is such a big deal I thought it warranted its own thread! dr


(from Robert Scott) "Well, June 6th 2009 was the day that N472RV took to the sky. Finally, after 7 years of building it was the day. First, thanks to John Rausch who flew chase in his beautiful RV 8. It was good having John’s voice in my headset offering suggestions, reminding me of certain tasks and just to know I had some help if something went wrong. John also did my transition training in Earl Thompson’s RV9A. Big thanks to Earl!

Taking off in a plane you built that has never flown before is almost indescribable; great pride tempered with uncertainty and fear mixed with enough adrenaline to power the West Coast.

The flight itself went well. We flew at around 3,000-3,500 due to clouds basically making large circles over the airport. Slight heavy left wing. Seems a lot of people have this same issue. Couldn’t be that 240 pound guy sitting on the left could it? John took some nice photos while flying. One small problem I had was the trim speed. (electric) I installed a speed control servo because I heard many times the trim was hard to set just right because it moved too fast. Well, too slow is also a problem. It took too long to trim out when I changed speeds and the stick force was high until it finally trimmed out. Other than that and my low approach, the flight went well and the landing was even good. Comments from a few on the ground confirmed the plane has the RV9A turbo whine.

Thanks to all my friends at Cable Chapter 448 who have helped along the way. Special thanks to Stan for all the tools loaned and his expert electronic knowledge, Gary Sobek for his DAR skills, Fred for his good enough for your airplane comment and good suggestions, the many of you who have stopped by, supervised and offered advice whether solicited or not along the way, John Rausch for the flight training and chase plane/photographer, Earl Thompson for the use of his 9A and finally, my Wife and family who put up with me and my passion for flight. If I left anyone out just let me know and I’ll move you to the front of the ride list." :D

Thanks to all,
Robert Scott
RV9A Flying!
KCCB Upland, CA


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"great pride tempered with uncertainty and fear mixed with enough adrenaline to power the West Coast. "


Well said. Just finished and flew my 9A a couple of month ago. (after 7 years here too) Your words say it all.

23 hours on the meter and now being painted while on an extended business trip

The fun starts now! Have a ball.

Carl Raichle
Lutz (Tampa) FL
BIGtime congrats!

.... We Niners still pounding away are green with envy. Fly high and fly safe!:D
Congrats Robert! Welcome to the SoCal (flying) Wing of Van's Airforce.
See if Gary will give you a sticker. If he doesn't have one I do!
Great job.
Let me add my congratulations. You will love that airplane. I'm just under 6 months and just over 100 hours and still can't fly often enough. Painting will have to wait....

Re: N472RV First Flight! Robert Scott RV-9A

Congrats Robert! Incredible accomplishment. I'm at 23 hours on mine and love how it flies.
