May the weather gods smile upon you. That's a great trip, you'll love it. Hopefully the strawberries are in bloom at Watson Lake.

Thanks everyone ... we made it to Fort St John ... they had snow in Canada!

I think someone for got to tell them it's June ;)

anyway ... Fort St John is clear and in the 40's. Our goal is now AK tomorrow.
Alaska Trip

Hi All,

I've got a trip to Fairbanks planned on 6/17/10 out of Kalispell MT. There will be a group of five RV's. We're planning on customs in Lethbridge, then over night in Grand Prairie and Whitehorse (very relaxed trip) before getting to Fairbanks on the third day. In Fairbanks we're planning several side trips into the outbacks (Bettles, Chena Hot Springs, and several glacier flights). When we're done in Fairbanks, it's on to Anchorage with side trips to Homer & Valdes. We have no definative return date as yet. When we run out of things to see and do, we'll start back.
It's great to be retired!

We are on the way to AK ... currently in Regina Canada.

I will try and update our web pages during our trip.

Have the best of time. I know I don't have to tell you to be careful and always follow the road!!