
Well Known Member
After 4.5 years of building at a steady and controlled pace things changed drastically into a whirl wind of activity and big milestones as I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and made the 'big push' to complete my dream. Over the past six weeks I:

(1) Made the big move to the airport using the tried and true flat-bed tow truck as an airplane mover

(2) Mated the wings for the final time

(3) Did the bi-zillion other assembly tasks.... empennage, control surface rigging, wing tips, fuel lines, tank calibration, etc., etc.

(4) Had a successful first engine start. See the YouTube video for details...

(5) Took care of a few pesky squawks, and then prepared her for my DAR inspection on May 17, 2009 which was a piece of cake. Here is my pink slip at home in the plane

By the way, this is my panel:

(6) First flight was achieved May 19, 2009 with Billy Mitchell as the test pilot. Yes, that is right Billy Mitchell is his real name. The short 30 minute flight was flawless. No issues. Everything flew straight and level hands-off. After removing the cowl and inspecting the engine, I immediately took her up for what I can honestly say was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Words can't really explain the thrill of flying a plane you built with your own hands (and blood and sweat)... realizing a lifelong dream. Here is the RV grin.

Thanks to all those who contribute to this forum. It is a fantastic resource that I often leveraged during my build.

Wow, that is great.

Tell us about the center console----looks way cool.


It has been 7 months since my first flight and I still have a grin and I occasionally pinch myself to make sure it is not a dream.

Have fun Fly safe.

Very Good. Glad to see it up and flying. An interesting side note, I had the tail number reserved several years ago and turned it back for the current one.

Great job. Fly safe and most importantly enjoy!!!
Congrats! Looks smooth!

Word of caution... after the starter incident and shutdown... it appeared everyone was around that prop long before they could confirm with you that the master/ignition was off. Too many incidents like that can end in disaster... encourage caution to your friends/crew. Setting procedures and hand signals for engine ground runs can be invaluable in this stage of the game. I'm here today because we do have those procedures in place on my racing team.
very nice write up. I just got my pitot static check this morning, all is well. The DAR is saturday. I have now 1.0 of engine runs and taxi. She wants to fly 25 square. I'm hoping for Saturday for that as well. Have fun flying off the hours. I like your spinner. Way cool.

I just have one thing to say, "Wow". What a plane and panel. That is one sweet bird. Have fun flying the time and be safe.

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT Reserved
I think the others have about covered it. You have done a stunning job of building that thing.

I hope you enjoy all flying!

(It is time for me to get a fresh can of RustOlium to redo my interior after seeing those pictures. 230 hours has taken its toll on my interior paint.)
Great Job

Congratulations Jason. The panel came out looking super and I am glad to see it fly.

SteinAir Inc.
Avionics Tech, A&P
1947 Cessna 120
That interior is fantastic! I would love to fix mine up like that. Now that I've finally rolled the fuselage, I can sit in it and visualize that kind of setup.
Well done Jason! The plane looks fantastic, and the interior really turned out nice (including that gorgeous panel) !! :)
