
Well Known Member
Well, she finally flew. Monday 5/11 at 7AM, N457RV flew for the first time 2000' over the Henderson airport for just short of an hour. The flight was uneventful (the best kind) and the landing was even a squeaker (if I do say so myself). I have to say that taking off in an RV is a little different than my previous experience. When you push the throttle in, you'd better be ready to fly right now. No lumbering down the runway for N457RV (a.k.a. E-TICKET). No major squawks - only a couple small oil leaks and a slightly heavy right wing.

Too many to thank all at once, but wife Linda deserves the "Supreme Indulgence" award for 3 1/2 years of airplane centric living (and riveting too), and Roger Hansen for untold advice, help and bits and pieces. Also, a big thanks to Mike Smith, my flight advisor, transition trainer, and first flight safety chase pilot.

Video and air to air photos later,



Congratulations - I flew in an RV for the first time the other day as well - the takeoff was much different than the 'ol C172. :)

- Casey
Too many to thank all at once, but wife Linda deserves the "Supreme Indulgence" award for 3 1/2 years of airplane centric living (and riveting too), and Roger Hansen for untold advice, help and bits and pieces. Also, a big thanks to Mike Smith, my flight advisor, transition trainer, and first flight safety chase pilot.
Congratulations Terry.
I used to belong to your chapter.
Mike Smith & I were building our 7A at the same time. Tell the gang I said hello.
Best of luck in Phase 1.
That RV Grin!

Congratulations go to both Terry and Linda. To think I visited your project just a little over a year ago... I remember being quite impressed.
Wonderful news Terry and Linda. Very happy for you.

Once you fly off the hours, I've got a great trip idea for you. And you'll have a wonderful time wiring up my airpla..... I mean, seeing the sites of South St. Paul. :rolleyes:

Hope to see you both at Osh.
I wish had been able to stay a day longer and watch but sadly we had to return on the Sunday.

Great to meet you and Linda, fantastic news about the flight.

Mike Newall
A330 Driver
Great job Terry, I have my wings attached and working on my flaps, hoping to move to the hangar sometime this year. Have a great time.:)