
Well Known Member
After 5 years, 8 months, and 19 days RV-7 N454CH flew for the first time! Couldn't have wished a better day as far as weather and winds.

After touch-n-gos in the RV-6 of my Flight Advisor/CFI (166DD) we taxied back to my hangar, shut down and got 4CH all ready. Final checks of the oil, fuel, tires and it was time to go. Strapped in, with 6DD as chase. We fired up, taxied, and after what seemed like a lifetime at the holdshort, I made the call, "Beaumont traffic experimental 454CH takeoff runway 31."

You know, I could go fly anyone else's RV or other plane and it seemed normal; it was an airplane. But mine seemed different; it was something I built - lived - my 'other job.' But not an airplane... Until the RPM's pushed past the highest I had felt during short ground runs. When 4CH leapt off the ground she felt like an airplane. Rocket ship!! My RV Grin started there and hasn't left my face so far.

The flight was typical of RV first flights. Cruise climb up to 3k for cooling, then 25 squared (per the manual) then circuits around the airport. 66DD played chase, gave me a good look-over and then just stayed out of the way, ready in case I needed him. I'm so impressed with the Superior XP-360 engine. It performed flawlessly with CHT's in the low 400's and EGT's in the high 1200's. Oil temp and oil pressure stayed smack in the middle of the book cruise ranges.

Before I knew it, 35 minutes had passed and per the Flight Plan, it was time to slow flight and head down for the first landing. Power back to 20" allowed an easy deceleration to 100kts and half flaps. Little power to level at 2k and did one circuit. Then full flaps capture 90kts and slid down and 'round the end to downwind at 1k pattern altitude. It wasn't long at all and I was calling, "Beaumont traffic 4CH final runway 31." 12" seemed right and 70kts over the numbers... ease the power off.... 'chirp-chirp' and my best 3-pointer I think I've ever done! (the video shows differently - for the record :) )

AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh........but that warms the heart. Good for you Clayton....and many happy safe hours of joyful flying to ya!!!!


Congrats...........what a thrill it must be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Frank @ 1L8....RV7A....last 925 details
I THOUGHT I heard a victory yell all the way over in Houston! Congrats Clayton!

Way to go

Congrats Clayton. When David and I get ours in the air we can have a flight of 3 RV-7's from Southeast Texas.

Frank Foreman

WAY TO GO!!! reading that made me crack my own "RV smile"... :D

have fun with that thing!! congrats on finishing that huge accomplishment!!