
Well Known Member
Hi guys,

Thanks to a couple of loaner GoPros, I had a total of three cameras in the plane for its first outing. I made a mount for the top of the vertical stab, but operating limitations prohibited an external camera. I'll certainly use it on later flights.

Landing wasn't my prettiest (a little too hot and I touched down long) but safe. They will improve with practice. What a rush! I was more than a little nervous on the takeoff roll. :eek::D

You can see a snow-capped Mt. Baldy in the background, and Mt. San Jacinto in the distance (east, toward Palm Springs) at about 3:15 in the video.

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Hi Doug,

Wow, great video! Your 9 looks like a blast to fly. Looks like the hard part will be getting it slowed down in time for landing :D

Your comments on training in the RV7 and comparing it to your 9 were interesting.

I recently met a gentleman out here in NC with an RV-6A, so he's offered to take me up in his 6 to let me check it out. I think it's a 160 hp 0-320 with FP prop...but it sounds like it is AWFULLY fast. I'll be curious to see how "quick" and/or acute stick inputs are. I flew with a friend that has a Europa XS monowheel (Google it for info) recently, and it seemed to require only mere millimeters of stick input; I could see why his autopilot comes in so handy as I imagine it would be quite tasking mentally to be constantly making stick inputs on a long cross country.
Congrats! Welcome to The Club. ;) No worries on your floated landing .... we ALL did that early-on in RV-9s. They just DON'T want to stop flying!
Thanks, guys! Today's landing was far better...I'll do an update in my first flight thread.

I think you'll dig the RV-6A, Jim. A bit of a coincidence, but there's a Europa Monowheel in our EAA chapter's hangar right now. He's actually converting it to trike gear, but I love the original concept with the retractable outriggers. Wonder what the ground handling is like? It's completely disassembled right now, and you can see how the seatbacks (which are also the fuel tanks!) are molded into the tub. Apparently they can crack over time from loads the occupants, especially if you're pulling some g's.
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