
Well Known Member
Richard Boone's N421RT made its maiden flight today!

I'll upload a couple pics later tonight.

Another RV-8 project has officially became a flying aircraft!

Owner/builder Rick, and test pilot Tim discussing the preparations for first flight

Test Pilot Tim about to start up for the first flight.... caption this photo: "What? Me Worry?"

And she's off and flying!

Owner Rick, about to fly his new RV-8 for the first time after the test flights. Hmm, the paint job on that RV-4 in the background looks strangely familiar (both planes are painted like twins).

Rick's first landing in N421RT, the wheel pants were taken off after the first couple test flights due to a minor problem with them affecting rudder trim.

Yep. That's the unmistakable RV grin alright!
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Very nice! I am happy for you guys! Now, get it flown off for OSH!!!

I'm sure it will get the 40 hours flown off in very short order. I think they put almost 6 hours on it the first day alone. Rick didn't put it away back in the hangar until sunset. He'll be flying it every waking hour he can get away from his office and this coming extended holiday weekend will see as much flight time as the weather allows.

We'll also try to get the wheelpants alignment problem sorted out this weekend too. Funny how that affects the rudder trim, but the plane flies straight with the ball almost perfectly centered with no trim tab at all and the wheelpants off, but with them on even a large temporary trimtab didn't help enough.
Probably not toooo funny huh???


I heard that the pants were aligned before the wheel calipers were on THEN had to be 'flexed' to get them to fit over the calipers. I'm athinking that may be either a or THE issue. Also, make sure the alignment was done with weight off the gear. That flex with weight on the gear can make a difference.

Or, as fast as Tim says that -8 was going to be, maybe fly with the pants off to avoid Mach Critical issues!:D

Have fun flying off the 40!
Yep, it's definitely the pants themselves. With them off, the leg fairings are still on and it flies straight with the leg fairings held in alignment by the upper intersection fairings and the rectangular shape of the legs themselves. Like you said, getting the plane up off the wheels with the gear hanging down will be the best way to figure out the exact fiberglass surgery to do to the wheelpants themselves.
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