
Legacy Member
Hey Jerry,

Nora and I flew into 3M3 today to visit her parents and we went looking for your airport. Needless to say, we didn't find it but we did do an approach into the Valley of Death AKA Flying G.

We got down to about 75 AGL and my father-in-law (who is also a pilot and flies out of 3M3) said he "didn't feel comfortable" about the approach so we climbed on out.

For those of you who don't know this area, Flying G is a 2000 foot grass strip that is LINED with very tall trees. The opening felt like it was all of 50 feet wide with 150 foot trees on either side. I'm not talking about a few trees but rather a row of trees on both sides. I sure wish we had the camera with us.

Anyway, we descended down well below the tree line before climbing on out and heading back to Collegedale.
Nice decisision

Takoffs are optional landings are eventually mandatory? :D
Go arounds are a NORMAL procedure that should be used routinely.
On approach consider it an approach to a go-around, the landing is optional.

Nice work, good decision Captain. Pucker factor x.x? :eek:

If more people would consider landing optional and the go-around and/or diversion more, there would be a whole lot less accidents. Such a simple little decision with significant positive impact on safety. What happened here was CRM, cockpit resource management. You listened and took action. Very nice. Even though your intended landing/flight was not completed, the flight was a total success (because you made this post). Even though you may have been in there before successfully, the co-pilot could've sensed some thing, not even he was totally aware of. The words "I'm not comfortable" is a red flag usually, sometimes not. Even if you had disregard the input, it at least deserves some serious discussion and analysis (not rationalization or got-ta-get-there-i-tus).
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