
Well Known Member

Decided today was the day to do it.

With Frank Baldwin and Gale Derosers acting as flight advisers, I took off at about 9 am.

Climbed to 3000' over the airpark, checked flight controls (very sensitive but stable) did a clean stall (51knots) and full flaps (47 knots). Conferred with Frank on an approach speed and settled on 60 knots over the fence.

Proceeded to Frank's 3000' grass strip at Sylex, Missouri (about 7 miles north) for the first landing as previously planned. Decided if I survived that landing, do 180 on the runway and head back to Troy Airpark. The Silex landing went well, no bounce, much more pilot friendly than the RV-6, did the 180, reset the flaps to 10 and launched again. This airplane really is a delight to fly, it is off the ground ahead of me. :)

We have 2200' of hard surface at Troy and about 1700' of nice grass. It was previously decided to land on the grass, it is more forgiving for sure. That's what I did, landed with no bounce and I did not bend any metal. :)

The approach speed of 60 knots is about right for calm conditions. My personal evaluation of the flight is be less aggressive on the controls, especially the forward pressure after touch down. I did not give the 8 a chance to bounce with some forward stick after touch down. Estimate the touch down speed at about 50-55. I could have held it off longer. As one RV driver on VAF mentioned, the learning is just beginning.

The engine (BPE Superior XP0360 180HP) performed with no contrary indications. Max CHT was 357, max OT was 163 after the second take off at Silex. WOT at 3000' showed 2670 rpm, IAS 157 KIAS. This is with no wheel pants or fairings. After the engine is broke in and the machine cleaned up, I believe it will turn up over 2700 rpm and the speed will be faster.

Feels good to be alive and have done this. :)

Thanks to all for the good input on flying the RV-8. it is a delightful machine.


PS: Someone is bound to ask, what about the insurance. I do not have the required 10 hours of dual so in flight hull coverage is not in effect. I will negotiate with NationAir on the that subject. Today was perfect to fly, so I did it. Frank will fly with me in the 6 some more if need be. I need 2.9 more hours.

Congrats on the fledgling and the lack of bent metal. Always nice to bring them home in the same numbers of pieces you left with... :D

Enjoy your Phase 1 time and check it out to the edges of the envelope, but more than anything else, enjoy the experience!
Good job Double Delta! Congratulations! You gave me a good motivation to speed up Tony's RV8. He was following your build closely.
The 8 Flies!


From all the rest of the STL gang a very hearty congratulations. From the Cozy to the RV-7 to the RV-7A and now an 8, wow. I think there might have been another one in there too.

Can't wait to get my annual done and get on your wing for some video.

We'll done Dave, I am very happy for you,

Congratulations David. You need to update your stationary from The RV-8...building #83261 to The RV-8...flying! #83261

Have fun!

Firewall Forward
1st Flight

Excellent news David. Thanks for sharing! Think we're less than 2 months away. Hope to do as well then as you did on your first...
You just completed the hardest flight.
Now 'Expand the Envelope', as they say, and "Expand Your Horizons" along with it!
Congratulations, I have been doing recon flights over your airpark for a while wondering when you were going to fly.

I do not have the required 10 hours of dual so in flight hull coverage is not in effect. I will negotiate with NationAir on the that subject. Today was perfect to fly, so I did it. Frank will fly with me in the 6 some more if need be. I need 2.9 more hours.

Interesting risk/benefit decision.
4th flight went well....

The hull insurance kicked in today, they said I could complete the unfinished dual instruction flying the 8 solo. It is done - needed 2.9 hours and now have 3.7 hours of RV-8 time and have not wrecked it yet. :)

I suppose I am a wimp for not getting serious about 3 point full stall landings. But since deciding to make only wheel landings, not one has been screwed up and i've been landing on hard surface as much as our short grass stip. I had several very embarrassing bounces trying to stall this thing into a 3 pointer. I can do it nicely in the Citabria, but not in this airplane.

The left wing was heavy but no more. I adjusted the left aileron up about 1/8" to match the wing tip fairing like the right side and now the thing flys straight ahead with wings level.

The Trio auto pilot is beginning to come to life, I need to read more of the 83 page manual to understand it. Altitude hold works and so does wing level but I can't get it to track a course - yet. This is important stuff for an old geezer. :)

I love to fly this machine. Wrack it up in a steep turn and it comes around like the little fighter it is. It is off the ground in about 700-800', accelerating and climbing briskly as the Catto winds up and bites the air. This airplane weighs 1029 pounds and acts like it.

Next flight I will do a WOT climb to 10,000'. (good ring breaker-inner maneuver and cooling test) With a fixed pitch prop, I let the speed build until rpm hits 2500-2600 and then climb at that speed. It was 120+ knots in the 7A and will be similar with the 8.