
Well Known Member
Been waiting to post this photo for a very long time.... here is my RV GRIN after completing my first flight on Saturday April 27, 2013.


After seven long years as an airplane project, N35PM took to the skies on April 27, 2013! Here is what I wrote in my Log Book.

1 landing. 1.3 hours on the Hobbs (includes taxi time)

First flight of my experimental Vans RV9A. The day started with an early trip to airport. I left the house at 5 am, so I could be at the airport for the forecasted clear and calm morning. Once there, I installed my new iridium fine wire plugs. After speaking with Aero Sport Power and Precision Eagle we had determined these would help get my engine running smooth and strong! Went out to the runway and did four high speed taxi tests. Also took the plane over to the one hill on the cable airport ramp. With the plane pointing uphill on the ramp, I did another full throttle engine run up. I had done this before, but just wanted to be sure the engine had proper fuel flow in take off attitude. Back to the end of the runway and I did two Left & Right checks of the Eagle EMS. The checks showed both engine computers running great. One quick clearing turn to verify no one in the pattern...... a few thoughts of am I really ready..... and I took runway 24 for departure. Skies were clear, wind was calm, no one else in the pattern. Must be time to go. My friend Greg had come out to the side of the runway, with a radio and camera, to watch. I hadn't planned on Greg being there, but he knew I was ready to fly so he came to watch when he heard me calling out my runway taxi tests. With seven years of building now behind me, I took to the sky. Take off was normal. Engine running smooth. Climb, climb turn. I stayed over the top of the airport in a tight pattern for two circles. As the altitude increased to 3,500 agl, I started larger circles heading out towards the local mountains, North of the airport, before turning back over the runway. I was closely monitoring the engine and all was well. I flew for 35 minutes at full throttle and then very slowly did a power reduction to flap and landing speed to practice slow flight. The plane flies great. Fast (155k True Airspeed). Straight and true in trim. Just one word to describe it...... AMAZING!

Pete McCoy first flight 005.jpg

Pete McCoy first flight 008.jpg

Pete McCoy first flight 012.jpg
Congrats Peter, you have done what very few on Earth have ever done.

Feels great does it not?
Happy Phase 1

Peter it finally happened. Congratulations! You will enjoy it for hundreds and hundreds hours.
Great job Peter and a fine write up. It's inspiration for me to finish the one in my basement.
Tip of the thrill!!!

Congratulations Pete and a great choice of RV!!

If you think first flight was a thrill when you were so busy checking instruments etc etc, you are going to find the thrill just gets better and better as you get more hours in your dream machine!!!!! :D :D :D

Well done!!


And another fledgling leaves the nest:D:D

Methinks this is gonna be on the front page tomorrow.........
Congrats. Looking forward to a PIREP on the Eagle EMS.

I don't have Eagle EMS just jealous.

I've been following you for more than a year. You did a superb job.
Almost can't wait for your first flight.
What a nice RV Grin!
Stick to plan and complete Phase I.

Guido Spaini

Way to go! Congratulations on a job well done and an amazing accomplishment. I have been following your build throughout my entire time building. Your website has been a big help to me so I think I at least owe you a hamburger! If your ever up in Minneapolis-St. Paul area give me a call and I'll buy you lunch.
Awesome news Pete! Another bird takes to the skies. And like others, thanks for the build log. It's answered a few things already for me.

Definitely keep us updated on the Eagle EMS. I'm building my 9a to use the EFII system. But I'm always interested in how other systems of the same integrated electronic injection/ignition fare.
Vans Counter Position #8,134 RV9A#813

This forum is amazing. Thanks to all who wrote kind words on my first flight. I really do appreciate it.

Just for fun, I checked the Vans site this morning, and again just now. My first flight announcement was posted, and the number of RV's and RV9's incremented up.

N35PM came in as completion Number: 8,134 & RV9A: 813


As of April 29, 2013 8,134 RV aircraft have been completed and flown!

Listed by Model
RV-3 276
RV-4 1359
RV-6/6A 2500
RV-7/7A 1273
RV-8/8A 1184
RV-9/9A 813
RV-10 493
RV-12 235
RV-14/14A 1
Long time builder brother.

I've been following your posts for it seems like years and when ever a brother longtime builder makes it into the sky it makes my day. I'm happy for you. I can't wait to be in your position. Fly safe and enjoy the fruits of your labor. :)
Hey Peter,

Big CONGRATULATIONS to you!! I'm thrilled to hear of your first flight. I've seen your posts around here for a long time. I'm not too far behind you! Can't wait!
Now that's a big smile!

CONGRATULATIONS. Did my first solo flight from Cable Airport in 1985. I can't wait to fly back there sometime soon, for burgers. ;)
Peter, Im not sure how I missed your first flight until today, but congratulations! That is great news. Have fun and keep the photos and phase 1 information coming so we can cheat off your experience!

Congrats on your first flight! Glad to see another Precision EagleEMS equipped plane flying. I'm sure you will like it as much as I do mine.
Great Job Peter

About time. I used your website during my build many years ago???! Glad you are finished. Enjoy your plane. Great job. Fly safe.

Cheers, Rick:D
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