
Well Known Member
I passed the DAR on the 23rd. Got everything together, went to taxi, no radio. Arrg. Found that when I put the panel for the headsets back on I grounded a terminal, easy fix. Now I taxi to get some fuel, than to the runway. I do a quick run up check, close the canopy, flaps already up. I called the tower before going to the runway and told them I was on a first flight. At the runway the tower asked what I wanted to do, I told them, I wanted to stay in the pattern, right traffic with an option at this time. I was cleared for take off, I put in some power and entered the runway approach end for 21r. Centered and than slowely put in the power. Running good on center. I never looked at the ASI, just flew the airplane. When I felt it was going fast enough I pulled back on the stick, nose lifted and soon the whole aircraft(yup she is one now) left the runway. I kept an eye on the RPM's, I figured that was the most important, didn't want an over rev. Everything worked great. As I was in my upwind, I looked at the ASI for the first time 110kts. Wow really moving. I leveled out at 3500, by then I was already in a downwind possision, with the crosswind done pretty soon after take off. Tower was asking what I wanted to do. I responded with, I will now be staying at this altitude and orbiting over head. If anything happens, I will emediately land. I got an ok, but we need your transponder on for the class C which was at another 700ft overhead. I turn on the transponder. I kept the RPM's at 2500 for breakin. I only put the prop on a little, very sensitive, the arm only needed to move a little bit to make a difference. I put it at 25square for a bit and did get to about 170kts. Way faster than the kitfox, but, it flew the same, same feel in the stick. I flew for about 20 minutes and than things started to happen, the altenator came up on the D180 stating low voltage. Yup, I'm now at 9volts and dropping. I can't call tower the radio is dead. I decide to do some quick stuff now, so I slow her down to check the stall speed, buffit at 55. Ok I can land this now, in the down wind, turn base, nothing from the tower on lights, I'm coming in anyway, volts down to 8 now. I'm on final lower the flaps, looking good. This baby is flying just like the kitfox, way cool. I glance at the airspeed 70kts, right on. I look at the tower, no lights. I get closer the the numbers, I feel the plane start to settle, I start giving more throttle and I see 60kts on the ASI, woops. My behind is catching things, way cool, I get the airspeed back up, I'm now over the runway. I land like the kitfox, never look at the ASI again, I get down to the runway and say, I guess its time, I pull the power off, it settles on the runway without a bounce, a real good one, I lower the nose, it settles on the center line. I'm dissapointed that I had to land, but things are not right. I look at the tower again and see no lights. I continue to taxi off the runway and to the hangar. I go to the kitfox and radio the tower, there ok with everything and said have a nice day. I did.

What I found with the alternator is for some reason I put the field on 5 amps, what a bone head. I changed things and put 20amps in. I have to say, that RV was a sweethart to fly. I have to say, I didn't get any surprises. It flew just like my kitfox. Just FASTER. Landing, very predictable, take off very predictable. I'm going to love this airplane :D My RV smile.

Oh, last night after I got the pink slip, I cried.


Fanatastic.....I would bet that there is a big grin!!!!!!!!:D

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Getting ready for DAR
Alternator field

First, Congratulations, there is nothing as great as that first flight.

Second, the alternator field fuse. I had a similar issue with my plane power alternator. They called for a 5 amp circuit breaker, which is what I used. At the fuse block I also had a 5 amp blade fuse. In the first few hours the 5 amp blade fuse failed but not the C.B. I replaced the blade fuse with 7 amp and have not issues since. I think the C.B. has less sensitivity to momentary spikes than the blade fuse.

Good luck on the rest of your Phase I.

N457RV flew just a couple weeks ago. Seems like those of us who wanted "***7RV" anything are all are flying at once;). Maybe something in the water.

Anyway, you're gonna love it.
First, Congratulations, there is nothing as great as that first flight.

Second, the alternator field fuse. I had a similar issue with my plane power alternator. They called for a 5 amp circuit breaker, which is what I used. At the fuse block I also had a 5 amp blade fuse. In the first few hours the 5 amp blade fuse failed but not the C.B. I replaced the blade fuse with 7 amp and have not issues since. I think the C.B. has less sensitivity to momentary spikes than the blade fuse.

Good luck on the rest of your Phase I.

OK, I put in a 20amp. reason, I went to the aeroelectric connection book and in the back wiring set up it said 20 for the field. Now, what should go in there for the vans 60amp alt. It is the plane power alt also.
I got things working again for the charging system. Now I have another problem. the Radio won't work right. It's the Icom A210, the intercom is the PM 3000. Everything worked great with it until the alternator quit working. Now I get this clicking noise out of it, and a little box with ICS comes on with the clicking and also another message of RX error. It will transmit out but with clicking noises and beeps. Very dissapointed here with the radio. Any ideas. I'm going to buy a second radio and put it in. More than likely send this one in to find out what happened. I mean if no charging and going down to 9 volts on the system killed this radio. Well, that not good in by book.

I did remove the harness off the intercom to isolate the radio and it still does it.
I went out to the airplane this morning and removed my radio to send back. I flip it up and had a bunch of metal shavings fall out on my lap. I didn't think to try the radio, I drove off from the hangar and said to myself, what if? so I went back to the airplane and took some real low compressed air and blew into the radio and tapped on it and got a little more out, than I plugged it into the airplane and Wala, the radio worked. I pulled the airplane out and did a radio check, loud and clear, yepi. :D That was a close one. All those panel cuts afterwards for the ap74 and the hole for the garmin 696 must have done it. Anyway, second problem solved. Funny how it had the problem at the same time the alternator quit.