Well Known Member
It happened at 4:45pm... for those wanting the dirt... here it is


I pulled 247DE out of the hangar today and headed for the gas pump. I was out of excuses so the next step was to point it down runway 24 and crank it up!

The wind was straight out of 240 @ 7kt and dying out and the visibilty was around 100 so it was definitely a good night to take flight.

My set-up is an aerosport O-360 with a Slick Mag and LSE ignition on the top plugs. Bart put in the 9:2-1 pistons and built it with Superior components. A hartzell 72" blended airfoil prop hangs on the nose. I have been very impressed with the engine since I uncrated it. Avionics are Dynon D10A with steam gauge ASI, ALT back-up, GRT EIS 4000, Trutrak Digiflight II, GNS 430, G-106A, GTX 327, PSE 3000, Pictoral Pilot T&B, EI FL-2C.

I ran the engine full throttle after the 1800 rpm ignition check for 1 minute on my take off tank just to make sure things were humming along as advertised...no problems. Taxied onto the active... gave her the juice and presto...air under the tires after rotating at 60 ias. Far out!

Climbing out at 120 ias and watching the EIS and airspeed showed nothing out of the ordinary. I pulled it back to 25 squared and left it there for a lap around the pattern as my chase pilot, and good friend "Dr. Dave-full throttle-Calland took off in a Turbo T-tail Arrow. After he sucked up the gear and started to chase me I pulled back the stick to 90 ias and watched the VSI crank past 2000 fpm. Nothing but smiles as I headed up to 5000 ft. The hottest CHT at this point hit 400 so I eased in the stick to cool it down a little. CHT's stayed around 380 for the flight after the nose was put down and the power was left at 25^2

At 5000 Dave radioed me to ask me to slow it down so he could catch up. Without gear fairings while running downwind the 430 was showing 184kt GS! Now that is a hefty tail wind at altitude. Dave tucked in at my 8:00 to check out the bottom of my ship and give me a looking over... no smoke, streaming fuel, oil or parts falling off so he said adios and headed back down.

I kept the power up for 45 minutes to work the rings in but then had to think about getting it back down since the sun was sinking below the horizon. I stalled the plane and the IAS was 63 clean so 90 IAS was going to be my final approach speed. 100 downwind, 95 base and 90 down the slot... the plane had a nice solid feel with the flaps at full and standing it a bit on the prop. I got lucky on the landing and eased it on. I've been flying a friends 6A and the longer wing of the -7 felt a bit more forgiving to me at the flare. It may not be the case however.

So... there it is. 3.1 years after ripping open the emp box... and only 39.3 hrs to go and we will be swapping stories at some fly-in in the not so distant future. Somebody pinch me. My pro-seal ruined wardrobe, drilled fingers, sleepless nights spent fighting with the baffles, and oiless compressor abused neighbors were all worth it! Keep pounding!

Way to go!

Congratulations and great story. :cool: I can't wait until it's my time.

Donald Prater
RV-8 Empennage
N284DP (Reserved)
Thanks for the kind words all!

Thanks for the sentiments! I have flown 4.1 hrs since Sunday night. What a blast. Is this legal?