
Well Known Member
Here is a pic of our new panel. Ready to go! Data inputs are underneath on the bottom lip directly beneath the touch screens. Thanks to Stein and his crew for another well done job.

The fuses are beneath the controls on the newly designed panel by Van. I believe that it will be sold by Stein.
All of the parts except brake lines, and Anti-Splat mods on all three wheels are stock Van's. This has been one great kit with all upgraded parts included such as the fuel selector, etc. You would not be disappointed building an RV14.
All of the parts except brake lines, and Anti-Splat mods on all three wheels are stock Van's. This has been one great kit with all upgraded parts included such as the fuel selector, etc. You would not be disappointed building an RV14.

Did you have to order the canopy release handle or did Van's ship it out to you. No handle was provided in my kits and other than the revised plan saying to omit building the temporary handle I have seen nothing available. I've asked many times but get the usual answer "soon". Haven't called in the last month. Plan on visiting them in a couple weeks for transition training and plan on asking/purchasing any items that have been released to finish up. To the best of my knowledge I'm the first registered RV-14A in Canada.
All of the parts except brake lines, and Anti-Splat mods on all three wheels are stock Van's. This has been one great kit with all upgraded parts included such as the fuel selector, etc. You would not be disappointed building an RV14.

Called Van's and got a different answer this time, Who hoo. This time I got they sent the servo linkage design back to engineering, not soon. The jettison handle should be available in two weeks, so from that I assume someone fabricated yours custom or Van's made a special issue for you.
Hope to hear of a safe first flight for you soon.