
Well Known Member
Like some others, the 30th Anniversary of the RV-6 was the excuse I needed to finally fly to Oshkosh. N198G first flew in 2006 and 10 Oshkosh's were missed since then. Every year there was something - either I was deployed to some sandbox, or we were having babies, or other conflicts prevented Holly and I from going. This year, I decided that I would make it happen, if only for one day. Holly and the kids had another commitment, but I was going to try!

All ready to take off from North Las Vegas:

Crossing the Front Range near Boulder, Colorado:

I was trying to make it all the way to Oshkosh in one day - Saturday. I made it to Dubuqe, Iowa but was stopped short by some weather. When I landed, the FBO guy asked me if I wanted a hangar for $60/night.
Me: "Well, I don't know. That's kind of spendy and I'm trying to get out of here to make it to Oshkosh today."
Him: "Did I mention there might be a tornado here in 20 minutes?"
Me: "I'll take the hangar".
Picture of storm on the way:

At least I had good company. A bunch of T-6s sharing the hangar with me:

The tornado never materialized, but the weather was still not good. And I was tired, so I stayed overnight at Dubuque. On Sunday, waited for weather to improve and then launched for about a 2:30 arrival and got the full Oshkosh arrival experience. Solid conga line in front of me, followed another plane down Fisk avenue for the 18R "buttonhook" approach. Landed on the pink - no, switch to the yellow! - dot and off the runway into the grass just as another airplane zoomed past on my left. Airplanes all over the place.
After its all over, a place to rest in HBC:



I could only stay a day. Had to be in Colorado Springs for work on Wednesday, so I left early Tuesday morning. It was a beautiful morning, though!

Totally worth it! Looking forward to doing it again and getting to actually stay for a few days next time.

Hey Jordan,
Good to meet you at OSH. I left a little later Tuesday as I had done all I needed to do and I was eager to go flying. Plus I didn't have banquet tickets.
Dang that is a good looking RV-9 beside you there.

It was good to meet you and hang out in HBC... And to learn that N642TX has a sister ship!

Mark, it was indeed a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and that RV-9 is super sweet!

Neal, it was too cool to run into you guys in the HBC registration line! I can't tell you how much Holly and I miss Wichita Valley - it is truly a special place. Tell Brent we said "hi", if you see him, and I'm glad both of the sisters could make it to Osh this year!

Bucket List


Nice job...I was just showing Ryan some pictures of Oshkosh and a video of the F-4s flying there when I ran across your post on the front page of VAF. On our bucket list (well, probably mine and Ryan's, not so sure about Alex ;) ).

- Fog
Great Pictures! This was my first OSH as well, and what better year to go than for the 30th Anniversary of the RV-6! What a phenomenal week of aviation!