
Well Known Member
Gentlemen, we can rebuild her. We have the technology. We can make her better, stronger, faster. :)

You get the drift. I have decided to name my 7A the bionic baby, in tribute to her being reborn from the remains of her accident.

Spent the day getting her wings ready to remove and soon BB will be traveling to a new place, where with Mr. Wizards loving touch (and a lot of cash), she will rise from the ashes as a 7.

I'll be posting some photos of the damage, the runway, and the narrative of my NTSB report as soon as all the dust has settled, as well as the reasons I have decided to go TD the second time around.
RE:Careful Now!!!!!


I hear a bit of excitment in that post.......are you sure this accident thing wasn't just a ruse to get that plane to a 7 from the 7A and to make all those changes you wanted after it was complete.............:eek:

All kidding aside: I am just happy that you are healthy/excited about the new improved BIONIC BABY......It will be with a lot of pleasure to read your reports as the progress continues.

Frank @ SGU RV7A.......NDY...BGC....
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