
Well Known Member
Today, it happened to me. While rolling out at 28TE after a perfect landing, the nosewheel stuck and flipped N131RV onto her back.

I am unhurt. The plane is resting "comfortably", in the middle of the runway. :)

Insurance has been called, no one available until probably Wednesday. :(

FAA has been called, it's O.K. to move it.

If there is anyone around south San Antonio (Elmendorf) with the ability and equipment to help, please call me ASAP at 210 316-2300. The aircraft can be repaired from it's current state. If more damage is done, it might not be.

I know it's too late to move it tonight, but my hangar is only 200 yards away and with help (and I can pay) it could be back in the hangar in a couple of hours.

So, I am calling on anyone to please help.

Joe Portman
210 316-2300
[email protected]

I show the following San Antonio folks in the RV White Pages - hopefully one of them can help. I'm very sorry and if I can help don't hesitate to email.

And, I would like to suggest folks stay on the topic of HELPING Joe move the plane - his request....not immediately diving into a nosegear debate. I'll delete any reply that isn't help.


Bourne,Les 210.887.4546
Brame,Charlie 210.493.5512
Chapman,Richard 210.497.3634
Cobb, Stephen 830.420.4000
Formhals,Steven 210.289.3984
Howes, Rod 210.674.0091
McIrvin, Jim 210.275.7780
Meketa,George 210.490.1999
Schattenberg,John 210.342.6788
Schneider,Ralph 210.820.3450
Smith,Gene/Kathy 210.494.1495
Solberg, Scott 830.755.6436
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I saw you leaving Weiser yesterday. Glad to hear you are ok. Wish I could help. Hang in there.
Sorry about your incident. I'm sure it's a terrible thing to have to go through. Is that a grass strip?

As far as equipment, contact a few building supply companies or tree services. See if anyone has a boom truck. I think that might work for you and should cost no more than about $100 bucks I would think.

Good luck.
6 guys.

Six guys can turn an RV back over with little or no further damage. I've done it several times. You may damage the spinner, but chances are it's already damaged anyway.
One guy on each wingtip, two guys to lift the rear fuselage, and two more to catch it as it comes over.
Still sad

Sorry, but I have helped several times. Should I not have?

Absolutely you should help if you can. I would. Sad is that you had so many opportunities.

I have been so freakin' careful. Perfect technique. Hold the stick back. Land on the smooth part of the runway. Etc. I fly off this strip EVERY DAY for the last 7 months.

And for all you heartless lookie loos, yes it was an old style fork. The new forks are backordered and the SB only came out recently.

So QUIT ASKING ABOUT THE FORK!!!. If you can't help me, don't post to this thread.

Very sorry to hear about this Joe - I'm not sure there's much I can contribute from Houston except to encourage you to get it back flying as soon as you can - sounds like the damage isn't too great, and since you built it once, you can fix it again.


Very sorry to hear about this Joe - I'm not sure there's much I can contribute from Houston except to encourage you to get it back flying as soon as you can - sounds like the damage isn't too great, and since you built it once, you can fix it again.



Regret hearing about this mishap today.

With regard to damage, it can be much more than first appearance. Mine went over in very slow motion, the wings never touched the ground, but when we got into it, I could easily have totaled it. In fact the only way I kept the insurance company from doing it was by doing much of the repair myself at a very cheap rate. A regular shop rate would have sunk it for sure. I still wonder if that was a good idea.

When I think back on it, I could be flying an 8 today instead of a repaired 7A. :)
Might Help!

Joe, I've contacted a friend living in your area who might be able to help. He's one of those guys who knows everyone and if you need something, 95% of the time will know who to contact...
I hope it helps!
I have a 7A with the old fork on it, and I'm real careful with it but it sounds like being careful won't cut it. I was just wondering what NOSE WHEEL STUCK means.

My opinion is that if you stay off of grass/turf/dirt runways you will be fine regardless of which fork. I had a conversation with Joe last night and I hope that he will relay the specifics of this accident since it was an eyeopener to me.
I'm sorry for your accident. This is obviously not a thread for discussing design problems, but if you could relay more detail at a future time, it would be much appreciated.
Flip over


I am glad that you are O.K. If I could I would be there. But Im California.
My best wishes to you. IT WILL BE O.K. and you will be flying soon.:(
sounds like the damage isn't too great, and since you built it once, you can fix it again.



On the contrary, when they flip over the damage is generally severe. The Croft Farm tip over in the UK (the one that was caught on video) was a write-off as have been many others.
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On the contrary, when they flip over the damage is generally severe. The Croft Farm tip over in the UK (the one that was caught on video) was a write-off as have been many others.

The plan for this P51D; which was my first Mustang ride back in 93'...............is to "rebuild".

Another acquaintance flipped his RV6 (tailwheel) after a bird strike & off airport landing , and had it rebuilt for around $55,000. But unfortunately, it was destroyed again, with a second off field landing, when all the oil was sucked from the engine, from an inverted oil system. A service bulletin (perhaps even an AD) was issued after this mishap.

The plane had been sold after the first "bird strike" pilot died, due to causes of a heart operation, and was on it's way to the home of the new owner.

Of course, RV's don't have the value, that an original P-51 would have:


edit: I've also added the link from Sam Buchanan's website involving the RV6 ( a good read)

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The plan for this P51D; which was my first Mustang ride back in 93'...............is to "rebuild".

Yes, but as you and I know they are not really going to "rebuild" that Mustang....because there is probably nothing left worth salvaging...or that would be structurally safe to re-use (maybe the crankcase). In all likelihood they will probably take a wing inspection port cover and build a new plane around it. Then they can say that it is the original plane so that it is still an authentic war bird with a history.

A prime example is Glacier Gal, the P38 WW2 fighter that was recovered from Greenland.

Here's the plane as salvaged. There's not too much there that's structurally useable for a flying aircraft...perhaps nothing.


And here it is flying after "rebuilding".

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Yes, but as you and I know they are not really going to "rebuild" that Mustang....because there is probably nothing left worth salvaging...or that would be structurally safe to re-use (maybe the crankcase). In all likelihood they will probably take a wing inspection port cover and build a new plane around it. Then they can say that it is the original plane so that it is still an authentic war bird with a history.

So true.

I've visted a WWII aircraft rebuilding company in Idaho, many times, just because my interest in WWII aircraft. I figure that the one landing gear leg on that Mustang, might be re-usuable. :D

Did you get her up?

and off the runway Joe?

How does she look?

So sorry to hear about this but really glad your OK!
