
Well Known Member
Watching the North web camera and listening to Kosh tower, almost like being there!......wife mocking me listening to controllers (green dot blue dot dot dot clear to land green dot at or past green dot dot dot)
I'm doing the same thing and enjoying listening. What I have learned is if you are coming in on Sunday, you need to be on your game. Also, you better have enough fuel to circle around for a bit. I hear warbirds saying they have 6 minutes of fuel left. What's up with that? Do they think they have priority and just get to come in and cut in line?

There was a MIG that came in earlier that said six minutes of fuel. Poor planning is what it sounds like to me.

It is fun listening but very intimidating for a new pilot. I wish the camera was a better quality and focused on the runways.
I hear warbirds saying they have 6 minutes of fuel left. What's up with that? Do they think they have priority and just get to come in and cut in line?

There was a MIG that came in earlier that said six minutes of fuel. Poor planning is what it sounds like to me.

Higher priority for one of those old warbird jets? Well, kinda, yeah. Those things chug so much fuel that they're pretty much min fuel as soon as they take off, so yeah, I'd let them in front of me to land. They also have a warbird arrival that allows them to do just that.

I kinda doubt he had 6 minutes left; perhaps he meant 6 minutes and he's bingo fuel to head to an alternate. But then again, chugging down the fuel like they do, maybe he really was that critical. Oops.
There was an old story, perhaps one of Richard Bach's from his fighter pilot days where, approaching the airfield, he had something like seven or eight minutes fuel left. A bomber reported min fuel and got landing priority. He wasn't worried, he had more than min fuel.

When he got on the ground he learned that the bomber's min fuel was 30 minutes.

I have no problem letting a guy burning tons of fuel in front, my concern was how critical he said it was getting. I am scheduled to come over to AV on Wed morning in a friend's L-39 and I hope we have a bigger margin that that!
Watching the North web camera and listening to Kosh tower, almost like being there!......wife mocking me listening to controllers (green dot blue dot dot dot clear to land green dot at or past green dot dot dot)

Where is the audio feed? Liveatc?