In seeing the recent post abot the RV-8 accident in Florida I was wondering. Is anybody superstitious in picking their N number. I know the N-number I originally wanted previously was assigned to an aircraft destroyed in an accident. I was superstitious enough to pick a different number. Am I unusual, or did anyone else check out the history of their N number before they made a final choice?

perhaps it would be "safer" to KEEP that number. What are the odds of two aircraft with the same N number going down ?

No sense based in logic, of course, but like you said, superstitious.
Numbers are numbers, they don't mean a thing.

I would stay away from N666, any number with 13, make sure the number is not a day in the year of a death of a family member or a date in which a similar plane crashed, check to see what the number spells using a touch tone key pad, have I covered everything? Where is my rabbits foot! (Not lucky for the rabbit) :eek:

(Knocking on wood and thowing salt over my shoulder.)

I think I'll head out in the yard and look for a 4 leaf clover.
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Better yet to not do things that will kill you. The majority of accidents are due to pilot error and are therfor preventable.
triple 6

I would stay away from N666, any number with 13, make sure the number is not a day in the year of a death of a family member or a date in which a similar plane crashed, check to see what the number spells using a touch tone key pad, have I covered everything? Where is my rabbits foot! (Not lucky for the rabbit)

When I bought my -8 it was 666M. Didn't really bother me but the people on the ramp would always run when I taxied up. It was a devil of a way to arrive..
The guy who registered it did so because it was easy to say "Tripple SIx Mike" on the radio.
When I relinquished it JJJ LLC picked it up and it's now on a Pilatus PC12 based in Riverside CA. The Devil by the Deep Blue Sea
Old Blue

N666RV is Vans 6A demonstrator. I went for a demo ride in it in 2001 at SNF. That ride caused me to "sell my soul" to the RV lifestyle.
Not to change subjects...but...


Sorry to change the subject but I'm really curious: are you invovled with Civil War Reenacting?

Numbers are numbers, they don't mean a thing.

I would stay away from N666, any number with 13, make sure the number is not a day in the year of a death of a family member or a date in which a similar plane crashed, check to see what the number spells using a touch tone key pad, have I covered everything? Where is my rabbits foot! (Not lucky for the rabbit) :eek:

(Knocking on wood and thowing salt over my shoulder.)

I think I'll head out in the yard and look for a 4 leaf clover.
Can't find website site to look up history

A while ago I came across a site that showed all aircraft that ever had been registered w/ a specific N-number. Can't find it now - anyone know where it is? Thanks!
Before reserving our N-number, I searched the accident database to make sure the number wasn't involved in an accident.

I don't care to make history repeat itself.

I have a friend with an RV and his re-cycled tail number was involved in a fatal accident. It bugs me to this day knowing he's flying around with that number on stenciled on his tail.
