
Size, color requirements for exterior N numbers and any help with where to order, these are for before paint and DAR inspection. Thanks

Experimental a/c need numbers that are 3" and larger.

I am about to order 3" numbers from:


She said: The 3" numbers are $15.00 plus shipping. If we send in the mail the postage will be $4.00.

I have never worked with them before and so I cannot report on the quality.

Marking sizes

3" numbers are okay for the RV series. I can't remember the exact FAR but I believe anything with normal cruise under 180 knots can use the 3 inch markings. Above that you need to use 12 inch.

Aircraft Spruce and similar suppliers sell stencils for this purpose. Some have a long lead time so order early. You might order two sets in case you're going to use one pre-paint and then will need another for the paint shop. I think most paint shops will do this for you although if you have a particular syle you like you might want to provide your own stencil.

Numbers may be 2" on RV-3 since the design is over 30 years old. Also you may exclude the "experimental" placard by placing an X in the N number. i.e. NX168TX. See FAR part 45.22 (b).
2" Experimental on fuselage sides?


There are links to the FAA FARs in the above summary.

A DAR required a friend of mine to place those 2" Experimental decals under the sliding canopy on each side of the plane (RV9A), as "required" in your link to the FARs.

Seems that most RV's only have the decal on the baggage bulkhead. I wonder what the deal is. In the case of the 9A, it isn't painted, and I don't believe these decals will survive a paint job. :D

One of the benifits of living in a state that starts with the letter "N" is I can use the Nebraska Cornhusker's "N".

Yes, the FAA has seen them. No, I did not need to take them off...yet. Yes, I carry spares just in case some rule reg FAA FISDO gestopo type makes me take them off. Yes, I hope we fire the head coach and start over.
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Another twist. Under all circumstances, your N number must be 12" or larger in order to fly into any of the ADIZ areas, no matter what year or type of plane you are flying. You are allowed to display them temporarily, such as with duct tape.
Numbers may be 2" on RV-3 since the design is over 30 years old. Also you may exclude the "experimental" placard by placing an X in the N number. i.e. NX168TX. See FAR part 45.22 (b).

That is awesome - too bad it can't be done with the newer models - NX - whatever - makes you feel like Charles Lindbergh!
The CT dealer's DAR (TUL area) required 12" numbers and even a change from a serf font to a sans-serif font. He indicated that the Feds have been pressing him hard to have plain N numbers. YMMV.

The CT is an S-LSA. 12" numbers required. 3" only apply to experimentals.
BTW; FAR part 45.29(g) says that all marks will be of uniform height, width, thickness and spacing...
Check out part 45.21 through 45.33 for "N" number requirements.
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Numbers 12 in

I used the twelve in letters ordered from Aircraft Spruce. You can order two sets to get the background white with black on the top. I got the idea from Van's plane that Mike Seagar uses for transition training. If you plan to fly to the Carribeanan, Canada or Mexico you need the 12 letters. They come in a long piece of paper that has the perfect spacing. To do the background color, tape the white letters to the black so you have perfect alignment. I did this on a glass door so I could see they were aligned. Then I taped both to the plane and cut the tape on the bottom side of the top letters so I could fold them out of the way. I took the paper off the back and stuck the white background letters on working them down with a soft plastic fob. I then folded the black letters down and took off the paper and used the plastic fob to work the letters on top of the white background letters.

Here is how it came out.

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The CT is an S-LSA. 12" numbers required. 3" only apply to experimentals.
BTW; FAR part 45.29(g) says that all marks will be of uniform height, width, thickness and spacing...
Check out part 45.21 through 45.33 for "N" number requirements.

And that's why Mel is a DAR and I'm not :)

As someone suggested early in the thread, call Marilyn at Aerographics. I'm lucky to have them only about a mile from my house. I call her at 3pm and pick up my graphics before closing. They're really fantastic.

Here's their website:

I'm painting my Midget Mustang in the Big Beautiful Doll paint scheme. Aerographics have supplied all the stencils and decals. I'm a very satisfied customer!

Another twist. Under all circumstances, your N number must be 12" or larger in order to fly into any of the ADIZ areas, no matter what year or type of plane you are flying. You are allowed to display them temporarily, such as with duct tape.

Does anyone know if the 12" numbers are required to enter the Washington DC ADIZ? Or is the intent just to cross the border?
n numbers

If you want to fly outside of the US I think you need 12" numbers. Not to get out but to get back in.

ned rose
12 inch Not in Canada

I also thought 12 inch numbers were require to enter Canada but that is not true (Yet) I flight to Toronto Ont quite often and after doing some research I found that they are not required. All other boarders do require 12 inch numbers as far as I know.
You can also get these made at your local sign shop that does vinyl graphics. They are very reasonably priced. We are having the numbers done now on the Cozy MKIV in 12". They will be placed on the verticle stabilizers reading up on the pilots side, down on the passenger side. Since the VS's are tappered, the top will only hold an 11" letter. The sign shop is able to taper the size of the letters starting at 12" and ending at 11" on the computer. It will be almost impossible to see the difference in letter size and will pass the FAA "smell test" our tech advisor tells us. 12" will be on my RV10 also.
Does anyone know if the 12" numbers are required to enter the Washington DC ADIZ? Or is the intent just to cross the border?

Yes, 12" required for ANY ADIZ.
It is rarely followed for the Wash ADIZ. But for port of entry return, believe me they come out and look. You dont need them to leave though.
Does anyone know if the 12" numbers are required to enter the Washington DC ADIZ? Or is the intent just to cross the border?

Not that I am aware of. Not only can I not find this written or inferred anywhere but I will be affixing my 3" N-Numbers to my plane this weekend. My AB/DAR even specified 3" and I am sure he knows the rules.

My airport is within the DC ADIZ so my first flew test flights will be in it over the airport. Shooting for the last weekend of this month and it looks promising.
Is an ADIZ an ADIZ?

Not that I am aware of. Not only can I not find this written or inferred anywhere but I will be affixing my 3" N-Numbers to my plane this weekend. My AB/DAR even specified 3" and I am sure he knows the rules.

My airport is within the DC ADIZ so my first flew test flights will be in it over the airport. Shooting for the last weekend of this month and it looks promising.

Mike... the regulations would appear to say otherwise....

45.29 says...

(h) After March 7, 1988, each operator of an aircraft penetrating an ADIZ or DEWIZ shall display on that aircraft temporary or permanent nationality and registration marks at least 12 inches high.

The actual Notam/TFR for the Washington DC area calls it an ADIZ, no special names used...

If an ADIZ is an ADIZ, then the 12 inch numbers would seem to apply - but they can be temporary...

How would the F-16's call you otherwise?...:)

gil A
The CT is an S-LSA. 12" numbers required. 3" only apply to experimentals.
BTW; FAR part 45.29(g) says that all marks will be of uniform height, width, thickness and spacing...
Check out part 45.21 through 45.33 for "N" number requirements.

I may be mistaken but I think antiques can have 3" numbers also.

The one thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is the requirement for contrasting color. You can't have a white aircraft and light tan N-numbers. I think the one exception is for warbirds, they can have low-contrast N-numbers.

Mike... the regulations would appear to say otherwise....

45.29 says...

(h) After March 7, 1988, each operator of an aircraft penetrating an ADIZ or DEWIZ shall display on that aircraft temporary or permanent nationality and registration marks at least 12 inches high.

The actual Notam/TFR for the Washington DC area calls it an ADIZ, no special names used...

If an ADIZ is an ADIZ, then the 12 inch numbers would seem to apply - but they can be temporary...

Thank you Gil for raising this important question. I took some time to check into this because operating here I know that the DC ADIZ was only called an ADIZ because there was no other designation to call it and this is what fit it most closely for the FAA/TSA/NORAD.

I went right to the source as listed in the NOTAM, section 9:


The response on this is that the 12" N-Number only applies to an ADIZ as described in the FARs which exist off shore. He said that the DC ADIZ is technically a Special Flight Zone by Notam and does not operate as a true ADIZ.

Bottom line, he specifically said that if the regs say 3" N-Numbers are all that is required on Experimentals then that is what it can be.
In writing....

Thank you Gil for raising this important question. I took some time to check into this because operating here I know that the DC ADIZ was only called an ADIZ because there was no other designation to call it and this is what fit it most closely for the FAA/TSA/NORAD.

I went right to the source as listed in the NOTAM, section 9:


The response on this is that the 12" N-Number only applies to an ADIZ as described in the FARs which exist off shore. He said that the DC ADIZ is technically a Special Flight Zone by Notam and does not operate as a true ADIZ.

Bottom line, he specifically said that if the regs say 3" N-Numbers are all that is required on Experimentals then that is what it can be.

Mike ... that's a good interpretation.... but will he put it in writing....:confused:

The words "Special Flight Zone" do not appear anywhere the actual NOTAM....

If you do get busted in that area, it would be one more thing they could add to the list....

Get it in writing..... better to be safe than sorry in this case... and stick-on numbers would be OK...

gil A ... just my opinion, but that is what the actual words say....:)