
Active Member
I just renewed my N-number reservation for the RV-12iS we're building but I was thinking... EVENTUALLY when this thing is built (or almost built?) I'll have to actually register it! I was perusing the DOT form AC 8050-1 and there are couple of items I was hoping y'all could shed some light on:

1. Bill of Sale, or its equivalent - Since I'm building this airplane, rather than buying it, I won't have a bill of sale. How do I provide "its equivalent"?

2. Serial number - I assume this is provided by Vans? When would I receive this?

3. When is the right time to complete this registration? I assume it will be needed before the airworthiness inspection, but how long should I allow for all the paperwork to be processed?

Thanks for all your help!

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Vans will give you a Bill of Sale and you should have your serial number already. If not, just ask Vans. The registration process isnt that bad - but they are picky as c rap on everything being exact..
As rockwoodrv9 said, After the finish kit is sent, Vans will provide a "kit" bill of sale.
The serial number will be your "builder number" supplied with the empennage kit. You should find it on the lower right hand corner of the plans. You are not required to use this number, but it is preferred. You MAY use any number you choose provided you haven't used that number previously for the same make & model.

FAA Registration is currently pushing through "initial" registrations with a week or two. You don't have to have the hard copy registration for the Airworthiness Inspection. Once it shows up on the website, that's good enough. Although you MUST have the hard copy to fly.
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As rockwoodrv9 said, After the finish kit is sent, Vans will provide a "kit" bill of sale.
The serial number will be your "builder number" supplied with the empennage kit. You should find it on the lower right hand corner of the plans. You are not required to use this number, but it is preferred. You MAY use any number you choose provided you haven't used that number previously for the same make & model.

As to when: in 2011 the FAA turned it all around in 30 days for me, don't know current times. You do need it before the A/W inspection, but.....many states monitor the FAA registration database, and a new registration may provoke them to send tax bills. e.g., here in CA, I was expected (and did, annually) to pay sales tax/use tax on all purchases in the year they were made. Be ready to back that up once you register the airplane, if your states has use taxes. In addition, CA applies property taxes to airplanes, but NOT to airplane parts. So property tax here in CA is due in august, if you had an airplane on Jan 1. Again, expect to get a letter once you register the airplane. Here in CA you should never have your A/W inspection in December, as you can save one year's worth of property taxes by delaying to January.
Possible clarification

As rockwoodrv9 said, After the finish kit is sent, Vans will provide a "kit" bill of sale.
The serial number will be your "builder number" supplied with the empennage kit. You should find it on the lower right hand corner of the plans. You are not required to use this number, but it is preferred. You MAY use any number you choose provided you haven't used that number previously for the same make & model.

Since he said he was building an RV-12iS, if he decides that it will be certified as an E-LSA, I think he will have to use the serial # that is specified by Van's (along with make, model, and specifying Van's as the manufacturer)
Since he said he was building an RV-12iS, if he decides that it will be certified as an E-LSA, I think he will have to use the serial # that is specified by Van's (along with make, model, and specifying Van's as the manufacturer)

Yep!!! Totally correct. Sorry, I overlooked the make & model.
Get the registration kit from EAA.

It is a step-by-step guide with all needed forms, fuse tag, and even has the required passenger notification stickers included
+1 on the EAA certification guide. Beyond the step-by-step instructions for registration and certification, it provides copies of the required documents with explanations for how to fill them out. Well worth the few dollars it cost. Made my acquisition of an airworthiness certificate last week much easier.
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