
Well Known Member
Today was a day I had been working towards for 18.5 months! N417CT (a RV9A) took to the air for the 1st. time! All did not begin well though. The fog was so thick that I couldn't see my mail box. When it finally lifted, I pulled my bird out and the battery was dead! I had shown off my panel to a friend yesterday and run it down. I put it on the charger and went up to the FBO and talked my buddies. By the time the battery was charged, there was a broken cover at 2900 ft. and I getting nervous. After much discussion, I decided to go anyway and stay down under the cover. The take off was just like I had dreamed and the bird took to the air like she was supposed to. She climbed nicely but the #3 & 4 CHT's rose to 425 and I had to nose her over and throttle back some. She flew hands off without a problem at all speeds. I did some slow flight and again, rock solid. What a fine air plane Van designed and I built. I could not have done it, however, without the help from Claude Stokes, my building buddy.
Now it was time to land and I will humbly say that I slicked it in! My "buddies" rushed out to greet me and while distracting me, one poured a cup of oil under the engine. I almost fainted when I saw it. I snatched off the cowl and looked and saw nothing. Then the laughter started but it couldn't spoil a marvelous day.
Here is a picture of my "RV grin"! Videos are to follow.
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She climbed nicely but the #3 & 4 CHT's rose to 325 and I had to nose her over and throttle back some.


Did you possibly mean the CHT's rose to 425?
325 is nothing to be alarmed fact 325 to 350 is a good operating temp for your engine.

If it is a new or newly overhauled engine use caution babying it now, you will pay for it later.

Heartfelt Congratulations to you and Claude:D:D
I knew you were gonna do it any day now, especially with this weather.
I need to come down to Waycross again so you can show me how to land these things!! :eek:

Just Incredible!! You guys rock!!
and heres the proof

The first flight, RV9a N417CT. A picture perfect day, a pictrure perfect flight. Dr. Cleve is in the air again. That little RV9a took off and flew like a hawk after a rabbitt. Here it is on video if your computer is set up to auto view windows media viewer you should connect to this link.

The perfect takeoff!

The perfect landing!

That makes for a perfect day! :D
Way to go!


Congrats on a wonderful first flight. I love seeing posts with new birds flying. I hope to post the same, somewhere around the Spring of 2009.

(I hope my buddies don't pull the oil trick on me, I think my heart would skip a beat or two)
Congrats! What a feeling it must be. Keep us informed of the performance numbers and tales of your flights.
Nice Job!!!!

Been following along with your progress. Here's to many more perfect takeoffs and landings Dr Cleve!

Congratulations from a guy in Switzerland who also longs for this moment... (and still has to start building
Happy landings always!
Congrats Cleve!

Folks, Cleve and Claude endured tremendous heat working in a t-hanger in South Ga in the summer and the smoke from the state's largest-ever forest fire whch you may remember from the national news.

Now, the rewards for all that labor and sweat. Enjoy! Congrats!

....from Jenny and me, Doc. Way to go and I agree, ya gotta get even with the oil tricksters:D I apologize for not being able to fly chase....stuff happens.

Not that I would do it, but a few
drops of brake fluid next to a tire
will get a wheel pant removed in
quick order. At least that's what
I've heard.