
Well Known Member
On the RV-8 Drawing OP-35, in the notes section, it says:

1. Refer to the following RV-7 Drawings for additional Information:
Cabin Heat & Manifold Pressure: OP-33
Control Cables: OP-26 & RV8-21
Oil System: OP-27

Further, on Drawing 48 (Cowling Installation) in the Cowling Attach Detail section, there is a callout for a gap in the hinges near the top, and says "LEAVE GAP SEE DWG 21".

Neither in my full set of plans, nor in the plans I got from Vans on a USB drive, can I find a DWG 21, or an OP-21.

Does this drawing actually exist?
Very often it referes to a drawing that is not included, i ended up buying the USB with all the RV-8 related drawings from Van`s, very handy and for the cost of a Big mac :)
Over the years, the drawings have been renumbered, and sometimes not all the cross references to a given number are found and changed. Likely you have the drawing, but it has a different number.

In my 2006/2007 drawing set for the RV-8, DWG 21 is titled "F-801, F-866 Bulkheads, and Longeron Bending Diagrams".

Find that title, and odds are good the info you are looking for will be there.
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RV-8 DWG 21 is one of the RV-8 drawings included in the plans package. It shows the 2-inch hinge gap at the top of the firewall and its measured position.

The title on the page is:

F-801 & F-866 BLKHDS.

The file name on the USB drive is 21_8.pdf

If you're missing your file on your USB drive for some reason, shoot me a PM.
Found it

Thanks very much guys. I found the file on the USB drive. I had a searchable PDF of all the plans (or so I thought), but evidently, there are some plans on the chip that are not in that file.