
Well Known Member
Long time ago I finished ordering huge shipments. All possible subkits from Vans are here Lycoming and Catto are here... Today I received bunch of boxes again some of them heavy. What are those? :D


Somewhere, somebody is wondering why in the world their stuff hasn't arrived yet. I received a Spinner assembly about two months ago. My name, my address, all paid for. I asked Vans if it was a free gift. They said no.
They were appreciative that I contacted them for a UPS pickup.

I'm still hoping for the good karma and the winning lottery ticket.
Mystery solved?

Looks like an interior package. My Classic Aero interior arrived in just about that same number and size of boxes.
Looks like an interior package. My Classic Aero interior arrived in just about that same number and size of boxes.

Все эти коробки в кабину??? Sorry was puzzled and forgot to switch to right alphabet. If all these boxes are going inside the cabin how I suppose to fit in there? Will plane ever take off with those many extra pounds. Plus I am 145# if weighed in winter clothing and after good dinner. :D

Ben, your guy delivered the boxes in two trips. You suppose to know...
Boy, If those showed up at my doorstep I'm be cracking them open to see what the tooth fairy brought me. I'd be excited to see what's in them. Then is they weren't mine I'd phone Van's. Get cracking
Get cracking

That's what I did Dave :D Within an hour everything was in the plane. Even bottle of 40 years aged cogniac :D No Luke doesn't send cogniac with his interior it was the other guy who gave me this present. He will introduce himself here soon.

Long time ago I finished ordering huge shipments. All possible subkits from Vans are here Lycoming and Catto are here... Today I received bunch of boxes again some of them heavy. What are those? :D


Wow! You obviously aren't superstitious as evidenced by your n# (666). That is, I am sure going to be a subject of comment for the entire time you own this aircraft. I am curious as to how you arrived at that number?
Regards, Allan:confused:
mystery GPS

..okay, is that an iPad mounted in there?
What are you using for software & GPS?

inquiring minds must know! :)

Awesome!! Can't wait to see it in person!

Vlad, can you really watch a movie while flying an airplane? Must be a special talent of weapon system operators...
Very nice, Vlad!

The cognac goes well with the color scheme.
It appears to be the real leather package.