
Well Known Member
Deb and I made our way back home from San Diego yesterday. The weather was gorgeous while we were there...70 degrees all weekend. The climb out of Montgomery eastbound was nice and smooth. That all changed when we were about an hour from St. John...

During the nice part of the trip, we were treated to the following. The photo isn't the best, but any ideas where we were and what's going on here??


Close encounter with a UFO-----(flux capacitors starting to fail, thus the cloaking device is not giving 100%)
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Where you near the Army testing range in the Yuma area?

Gil, we are in a MOA just not by Yuma. We're headed to St John, AZ talking to Albuquerque Center at the time.

Close encounter with a UFO-----(flux capacitors starting to fail, thus the cloaking device is not giving 100%)

Well it sort of was a UFO encounter.... Notice the four little smoke trails in the pic??
Well it sort of was a UFO encounter.... Notice the four little smoke trails in the pic??

As I said, the cloaking device is not working at full capacity----thus the slight trails that could be mistaken for smoke:rolleyes:
With that line of countermeasure flares leading right to your RV, you had better be glad it was just a peacetime training mission going on in there otherwise Snoopy was about to take a heat-seaking missle right in the schnoz!

Not sure what you are alluding to in the photo but you might be in the smoke from a Northern AZ forrest fire.
The Winner!!

With that line of countermeasure flares leading right to your RV, you had better be glad it was just a peacetime training mission going on in there otherwise Snoopy was about to take a heat-seaking missle right in the schnoz!

Top Notch Chris. :D And now for the rest of the story...

We were flying through the Gladden 1 MOA just trudging along at 11,500 with a pretty good tailwind, doing about 165 kts GS. I look out the window and directly in front of me I see something... it is moving almost vertical and haulin A$$. Next thing I see are flares popping out. I'm trying to get Debs attention to grab the camera, but I'm so amazed I can't even speak. The F-16 continues through the half loop and rolls out at the top. AWESOME!! :cool:

The whole thing happened so fast and was over in about 15 - 20 seconds. Thirty seconds later the Center controller is calling me saying "39A looks like you have an F-16 changing altitude rapidly around you" (that's an understatement) It was pretty dam cool. (told the controller that) The way I figure it Deb and I got to see last years tax contribution spent on us!!

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Countermeasure Flares

That would be something to make for the remainder of the flight from being boring. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.