I have looked and looked but cannot find what is constructed from the two AB3-5/8 x 1 1/4 x 4 aluminum blocks that came with my finish kit. Any Ideas?

Jerry Turner
off the top of my head, it sounds like some small spacer blocks in a tipup canopy on the side rails. You didn't say what canopy version :). C-723 sheet 48.
C-723 Wedge Spacer

The C-723 wedge spacers are made from AB3 1.25x.625. I made mine from another piece of scrap. There are a half dozen pieces of Van's supplied AB and AS left over at the end. Some were supplied to build either slider or tipper, trike or tail, and not used for the other.:D
Thanks Guys

I made the C-723 wedge spacers from the AB3-1.25 x .625 as per the plans. On my parts inventory sheet it does say though, that they are for the C-723 just to confuse things.

It could be that these are for a slider canopy, I have the tip-up canopy on mine.

head scratching here too...

i have the same two pieces left... i guess they will just go back to vans sometime unless i can find a use for them.
I have looked and looked but cannot find what is constructed from the two AB3-5/8 x 1 1/4 x 4 aluminum blocks that came with my finish kit. Any Ideas?

Jerry Turner

You should have an 8 page "RV-9A Parts Index - Empennage, Wing, Fuselage, Finish" as part of your documentation from Van's. This lists Part Number, Nomenclature, #/aircraft, Plan Page Number, Part Type, Make From Material, and Sub-Kit. It's a little laborious to go through this looking for a particular piece of raw material, but I have found it quite valuable in deciding whether I should cut a piece of raw material and how many parts are going to be made from it. Don't ask me how I know I shouldn't have cut the AB4-125x1-1/2x48 used to make F-705B from!
I've looked my entire inventory sheet from one end to the other and backwards....

The plans (DWG 48) shows where the builder has to fabricate two C-723 parts from an AB3 - 1 1/2" X 3/4". That material, (as far as I can tell) doesn't exist.

Looking further on the plans (DWG 49) the builder has to fabricate a pair of C-725's from the same AB3 - 1 1/2" X 3/4".

On the inventory sheet there is a reference to two AB3 - 1 1/4" X 5/8" X 4" parts with the name of the parts next to it - the C-723's.

It appears to me that the invetory sheet has provided me two of the AB3 - 1 1/4" X 5/8" X 4's" (which I found) to do the four parts mentioned above and drawings 48 and 49 have the wrong dimensions printed for the necessary raw material needed to make the parts.

Anyone else have/see the same problem?
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