
Well Known Member

this is the one just above the empty lot. a bunch of rvs in that huge hanger and a nice laid out ranch. spent 3 days there at rv hotel and had a fantastic time flying the area. by the way, how big a lawn mower does it take to mow the piece of grass? definitely a place to return to some day. thanks for the hospitality.

this is the one just above the empty lot. a bunch of rvs in that huge hanger and a nice laid out ranch. spent 3 days there at rv hotel and had a fantastic time flying the area. by the way, how big a lawn mower does it take to mow the piece of grass? definitely a place to return to some day. thanks for the hospitality.

I'd know it anywhere...the "control tower" gives it away. That's Rosie's place out in "Rosiemond" (Rosamond, CA)! :D
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What he said

I was there just last week, Yep, it is Rosie and Tuppergirls.

Good folks, and as Ed says, thanks for the hospitality.:D

a great couple and a great ambassador to ower hobby. thanks again.

have those doge calmed down yet?
It looks a heck of a lot better than when I last landed there.

I think Rosie's house is on the edge of the old glider dirt cross runway...:)

if you need to see rosie just input rosie into your gps, hit direct and turn on your AP. that is pretty cool. good stuff.
i put in a request for 'turbo' but they missed and it ended up 10 miles off shore fort lauderdale. oh well. all in fun. have a great holiday season.