
Well Known Member
I landed here today, with another RV builder. Since he is also a CFI, we recently completed my BFR. What awesome scenery to fly in. Any guesses?

Mystery Airport

I got to Hawaii courtesy of my wife taking a contract job. Somebody has to be the bagman. I contacted RV-8 builder Robby Phillips (Robin8er) thru VAF, found out he is currently serving our country in the Army, a ERAU grad, CFI, and working on his wings for his RV-8. I have hopefully been of some help to him when working on his wings, a nice distraction to the amazing scenery of the islands.
To be correct, the airport photo is of Kalaupapa Airport on the island of Molokai.
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I got it as soon as I saw it.

Back in the late 80's, I flew for the Air Ambulance service in Hawaii, and landed there many times. It is where they had the Leppard Colony in the 1800's.

Since it has been almost 30 years ago, don't know if it is still there, there use to be a crashed Twin Cessna on short final on the land side, and I saw the damage to another one that took off from it over the water when a big wave crashed up onto the edge of the runway and put a bunch of dings into the wings and fuselage as he flew through it.

Nice photo though.