
fugio ergo sum
While perusing Weathermeister this morning I found that the Salt Flat Mystery Airport is about to go "hot" again. NOTAMS are showing in two different places, under SFL VORTAC and VHN (Van Horn NDB).

SFL 02/490 Airspace Parachute Jumping Exercise 7 Nautical Mile Radius SFL138007.5 15000/Below Daily 1300-0500. 21 FEB 13:00 2010 Until 27 FEB 05:00 2010. Created: 18 FEB 20:29 2010

KVHN 02/487 Aerodrome Closed Personnel and Equipment Working on Runways. 20 FEB 14:00 2010 Until 20 FEB 23:00 2010. Created: 18 FEB 19:35 2010
02/488 Airspace Parachute Jumping Exercise 7 Nautical Mile Radius SFL138007.5 N VHN 15000/Below Daily 1300-0500. 21 FEB 13:00 2010 Until 27 FEB 05:00 2010. Created: 18 FEB 20:06 2010

That 02/488 mystified me for a while. Why is N VHN stuck in the middle. All I can figure out is that that means north of Van Horn NDB, which it is, by a lot of miles. Maybe that is an effort to get the NOTAM to show up for more people than it did before.

I also noticed that the area of the NOTAM has been vastly trimmed, so that it is actually possible to fly though Far West Texas without entering the NOTAM area. What is the problem with flying in the NOTAM area? Well experience shows that this NOTAM actually describes a de facto TFR. I speak from experience and recommend that everyone avoid this area during the valid time of the NOTAM unless you enjoy lots of attention from your government officials.

Oh, and interesting that the Van Horn airport is closed the day before these exercises start!


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You havent said anything about this place in a while--------

Anything new to add?????
The aircraft shown in the photo, N196D certainly has had an interesting past.



Yeah, pretty good evidence is around that that airplane is used by the CIA. I poke around some on the interwebs to find where my pictures have been posted and discussed. Some people have said I am "poking the bear" so if I mysteriously disappear, be suspicious, very suspicious.

So for those reasons and because of the occasions of the FAA contacting about completely legal flights over the airport I have become more conservative about it. For one thing I prefer that there not be many people present when I fly over.

At any rate, it isn't very RV related, until an RV decides to make a precautionary landing there, at least, so the updates pretty much just go to my web page now. Not too much apparent change lately.