
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me the name (nomenclature) of this widget on my Dynon 1000T? (it's highlighted in yellow, on the right edge of the screen, about 2/3rds down). I have the ADS-B module with the 2020 GPS and am in the process of verifying that I have configured things properly. If you can tell me what Dynon calls this widget, I'll be happy to read the manual, but I haven't been able to find it in order to do so.

Thanks in advance,

Isn't that where they show airspace proximity? Airspace you are in, upcoming airspace on your flight path and airspace above or below?
Yes, it bugged me too...:)

You can remove the four lines in the map display menu. Airspace Proximity as mentioned in the previous post.
Hi All,

I have the ADS-B module with the 2020 GPS and am in the process of verifying that I have configured things properly. QUOTE]

Not sure that your ADSB is receiving as TIS OK is showing in lower right instead of ADSB OK or you are outside ADSB service area.
. Not sure that your ADSB is receiving as TIS OK is showing in lower right instead of ADSB OK or you are outside ADSB service area.

When I have the Weather layer enabled, there are good statistics of data in and data out leading me to hope that my ADS-B is, in fact, working. I'll grab another screenshot the next time I'm flying with that layer enabled.

Thanks also for the pointers to Airspace Proxmity, I'll check those pages ASAP. Unfortunately, the image didn't show up on Gagarin737's post, but the page reference is enough to get me started.

I'll post more when I learn more,
When I have the Weather layer enabled, there are good statistics of data in and data out leading me to hope that my ADS-B is, in fact, working.

You can get a Public ADS-B Performance Report to see if your ADS-B is in compliance and indeed working. Very easy to do. First fly 30 minutes in ATC controlled space (Mode C is OK). Then request Performance Report. Look here... https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/PAPRRequest.aspx
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Update. This turned out to be two separate issues. Credit for the "mystery widget" identification goes to Gagarin737 and Tomkk?thank you very much, gentlemen.

The ADS-B issue was outdated software. I now know the procedure for pushing updates from the master file out to the Transponder. My ADS-B now reports "OK" in flight.

Thanks to all for the help,