
Active Member
I'm about to install the wings, but there are a series of holes in a diagonal pattern in the inboard rib in the aft most part--maybe 14 or so but I don't have it in front of me right now. It REALLY looks like a bracket goes there, but I have scoured the plans looking for some instructions and can't find any. I find it hard to believe that Van's would go through the trouble of putting those holes there without a reason. Did I miss something? If so, can you provide any direction?


Hello Syrus,
I believe those holes are for flap brackets. I don't have wing plans in front of me, but as I recall that inboard rib is the same used as some of the inboard ribs just no flap bracket installed.

Pic here?

Last edited:
Mystery solved! To back that up, I went back to the inventory sheets and verified that no 1025B flap brackets were included with the kit.
