
Well Known Member

Thought I'd share my wife Danna's cool picture she took of our RV-4. The things an iPhone can do in the hands of a beautiful and creative mind ❤️
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Holey Buckets, Batman, that's fantastic!
Danna did a great job...nice rich colors and shadows. Tell her hi from Kelli and me.

Hey, DR, I nominate Danna's photo for VAF splash image.
Unless it's giving away trade secrets, what settings did she use on the iPhone? I love the pic.

It's all about PRISMA (My wife Danna says)

Adjust the lighting/brightness first and then use PRISMA. Amazing app! Then add imagination👍
Good job there is a fine artist in her. Now imagine what she could create if you give her a nice camera, a Mac desktop and a photoediting software. :D
Way Cool!

Wow JJ!! That Picture ROCKS!! The planes are pretty awesome too!! Man are we excited about OSH this year! Can hardly wait to get there. It's gonna be an outstanding year!
Thanks Everyone!

I'm in the process of getting the picture 'blown up' for my hanger shop! Thanks for the nice words👍
