How exciting! Thanks for sharing the video with us. I'll be on the lookout for you two next time that I am at KCCR..
Way to go! Congrats!
She says thank you!!

How exciting! Thanks for sharing the video with us. I'll be on the lookout for you two next time that I am at KCCR..
I always love meeting some new peeps! We have a green and tan RV that is there all the time but we fly out of napa.

Congratulations to your wife on her first solo! Very nicely done. I thought it was great for the tower folks to take a moment and compliment her too.

She seemed to have a nice light touch on the controls and appeared to have good airspeed control. As you know, both of those traits will serve her well when flying the RV-9. If you don't already have a copy at home, I'd suggest getting her the "The Compleat Taildragger Pilot" by Harvey S. Plourde. Good stuff for new (and experienced) conventional gear pilots.

We will definitely check out the book! Thanks again for watching!

+1 on the light controls. Hallmark of a confident and comfortable pilot. Congrats!
I am a pretty proud husband for sure!

Way to Go Pete the other half is on it!! Congrats

Thanks Lee! Notice how solid she was with the trim! That is all you!
"Holy F**k, I'm flying a plane by myself...."

That brought A smile to my face, Good Job!

She forgot to do her after landing checklist until she was on the ramp (probably due to extreme happiness and excitement!). Then you can see she goes through it and cleans up the plane.