
Last night my wife of 37 years died of cancer.was a great building partner spent every hour I did working on our six. Now Helen has no more pain and is in a better place. David
Very very sorry to hear of this David. My prayers are going out for you and the family tonight. God bless you friend.
David, I am so sorry for your loss. My wife of 32 years is fighting Stage IV cancer, so I know what you are going through. Your will be in our prayers. Keep up the good fight.
David that is a good thought, may it give you peace

It is good to keep active on something you have to get done I think. I'm very sorry you have to go through this. People feel sorry for us but my pain is for that sweet girl that I was married to for an instant that others say was 44 years. And yet we have to go on, each in our own way. I have a lot of anger and pain at the same time because I am not a very religious person in the traditional sense. I am making up books for Jeanine's sorority sisters out west with a lot of 8.5x11 photographs of her and the 21 Christmas letters (204 pages) I started writing in 1991. I can make about 3 books and mail them each day. I think they will like them but regardless the work is good for me. Your way is probably better. May you find peace and happiness but never forget the wonderful life you shared.

Bob Axsom
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David, sorry to hear about your loss. Another example of the good in RV building though, it does bring relationships to another level of appreciation! I'm glad you had that and all the good memories too.
My condolences to you and your family. Losing a life-long partner is never easy. May she RIP.
So sorry

The feelings and memories for your dear Lady will forever be a large part of you. I know you will cherish them as you relished the times you had together.
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry...

For your loss. We only miss them for a short time until we join again, just seems like so long. Prayers for you.
David, so sorry for your loss. We'll keep her as well as you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
my sincere condolences to you and your family.

My thoughts of support are with you.

No more pain and in a better place...

You have a great big empty feeling at the moment. This will slowly pass but not go away entirely. The memories of the good times will remain.

My thoughts are with you. Just remember that someone in Switzerland is hoping your sadness will pass soon.

My broken heart goes out to you, David. I know how you're feeling. I lost my dear son, Paul, on Oct. 2nd. He was just 27 years old, and leaves behind a little girl, not even 2 yrs. old. Life is full of joy, and then suddenly an overwhelming loss hits you out of nowhere. I pray that you find comfort in those around you who care about you and share your pain, as I have. God bless you.
Very sorry to hear of your loss, David. I hope the memories of happy times together bring you some comfort.

Sorry David

David very sorry to hear about your loss. I too lost my wife of 34 years suddenly just after starting Phase I. She never got a ride in it, but she is always with me now when I fly. She was my number one supporter, riveter and best friend. I miss her very much, as I'm sure you miss your wife. Hang in there David.
David, my heart goes out to you. I lost my wife Janet to stomach cancer 8 months after diagnosis. She passed along 2.5 years before first flight of my 9A. I noticed you have yours and hers initials on the plane. I was able to use her date of birth and initials for my N#. N424JK (Janni Kaye)

Remember one thing. When you fly, you are never alone anymore. I am sure that like your wife, my wife Jan will always be my copilot.

Best of Luck...It gets real hard before it gets better.

Steve Koziol
267 614-8251 (Call if you every want to vent)
I've thought for two days on what to say. Words simply cannot convey my heart felt anguish for you and your family. 37 is way too young to die.

I am very sorry for your loss.
David, sorry to hear about your wife's passing mate. I hope that all the kind thoughts from this group can bring you some form of comfort.

David, my heart goes out to you. I lost my wife Janet to stomach cancer 8 months after diagnosis. She passed along 2.5 years before first flight of my 9A. I noticed you have yours and hers initials on the plane. I was able to use her date of birth and initials for my N#. N424JK (Janni Kaye)

Remember one thing. When you fly, you are never alone anymore. I am sure that like your wife, my wife Jan will always be my copilot.

Best of Luck...It gets real hard before it gets better.

Steve Koziol
267 614-8251 (Call if you every want to vent)

My aircraft will have the number 43 on its side, its my birth date followed by my soon to be wifes birth date. 4th and the 3rd

The single most important reason I am building and not buying an RV is because I get to do it with Caroline.

David, we, all of us with partners that hold a rivet gun or a bucking bar are thinking of you.

Your not along, and at any time, if you need to reach out to any of us. We are here. I don't think a single one of us would disagree with that.

God bless her and yourself.

Take care.

I can't imagine your loss, but face the fact that one day Marci or I will likly face the same thing, its a humbling thought.

My heartfelt condolances.

Our condolences

David - please accept our sincerest condolences on Helen's passing. We remember both of you well and your kindness and generosity a few years back when we were stranded in Ontario. We did try to contact you a few times, but the e-mails kept getting kicked back. Would love to get together with you sometime. Chris and Indira
I know that saying sorry for your loss is woefully inadequate. My Mom has Stage IV breast cancer and I treat cancer patients with radiation as my profession. I understand and share in your loss.

There is a saying about loss of a loved one to the effect, "Don't be sorry that it's over, rather, rejoice that it happened".
Know you are not alone and that she is in a better place in peace. You have my sympathy and empathy...
Helen's passing

I think losing Helen has to be the hardest thing in life. We were so close did everything together. Her cancer was fast only suffered three months only bed ridden three days. We were able to take a month long vacation to the south Pacific before she got too sick. Services will be Monday morning, when all the company. Goes home the house will sure be empty and I dread it. My email is mpatch@ fmtc.com. Get a chance drop a note so someday we can get together if you get a chance let Rosie know David