
Well Known Member
RV9A - tipup. I have had the skin on before, when I fitted the top cowl. I had the hinge and shim in place and drilled and clecoed the whole thing.
Now I am doing finial fitting of the cowl and so clecoed the skin back on. The only differance now is that the hinge has been counter sunk and the shim and skin was dimpled. I can't get both sides of the in the front to line up enough to cleco. I have install my cowl and the hinge pins were very difficult to insert.

Any suggestions?

If I start riveting from the top center and work out in both directions will the holes line back up?

almost there.
He he ha ha he he

kentb said:
:( My top foreskin is to tight

Any suggestions? .............will the holes line back up?

Kent, almost there.
Check out web MD. ha ha ha ha lolololol :p G
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kentb said:
I drilled the whole thing. Now I am doing the back. The only differance is that the skin was dimpled. I can't get enough. my pins were very difficult to insert.

If I start from the center and work in both directions will the holes line up?

almost there.

I couldn't resist. :D
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OMG, with THIS crowd, proof read your posts!

Visit a Jewish A&P/IA. It can't get tight if it's not there anymore.

:eek: :D

Too funny. Just pokin' fun at ya. Poking...tightness....uh....oh.....

Scuse me.

Or, just envision Ernest Borgnine in a Speedo. That'll loosen up yer...uh...forward fuselage upper skin that attaches to the firewall.

Brian Denk
gotta fly soon 'cuz I'm gettin' a bit goofy.
I though that....

I could get some quick attention to my question with a interesting subject line. But now everyone wants to just have fun and no good answers yet.

Maybe when I add proseal for riveting at the firewall the skin will slide into place better. :D

The skin is the top one that attaches to the firewall with hinge and shim material and covers the rudder / brake controls and ...


George, I could find any pictures that would help on that web site. :rolleyes:

kentb said:
I have install my cowl and the hinge pins were very difficult to insert.

One way to ease that is to file a relatively sharp "bevel" on the inserting end of the hinge pin. File the bevel so that as you insert the pin, the bevel helps prevent the pin from getting hung up in the curved areas.

Hard to describe, easy to picture...let me know if you need a photo.
Thanks Dan

I already have a rounded bevel in the pin. I think that the problem is that the hinge is now to tight (mis-allineged). The biggest problem is that I can't get the cleco back into the last 6 skin to fuse. holes. Those from the firewall back along the side.

If you're talking about the holes along the longeron from the firewall back, it can be extremely difficult to get the clecos in those holes.

When you rivet everything together it will work out. I didn't believe it either, but it did.

kentb said:
I already have a rounded bevel in the pin.
That's not really what works best (imho). I guess a better way of describing what I'm saying is turn the tip of the hinge pin into a kinda pointy "chisel" instead of rounded.

Also...hinge is pretty cheap in the grand scheme, in case you need to re-drill the hinges for better alignment.
Thanks, Clay

That is the problem area. I was think that I might have to leave out the shim
to make it fit correctly. I will procees with it in place.

If fits now

I should keep my mouth shut and let this tread die, but I figured it out last night and someone else may make this same mistake (not likely).
My friend came over last night to help me. After we removed the cowl, with much effort, he stated ?On my RV10 the hinge goes on the inside of the firewall.?
Sure enough I had cleco through the skin, shim, hinge and then firewall. After changing to the correct sequence, skin, firewall, shim and then hinge if fit very nicely.

The top 5 reason that I made this mistake:

5. I didn?t look at the plans.
4. I am too old to remember how I had them last.
3. I was building to fast and this slowed me down.
2. I was high from spraying 3M contact cement for the firewall blanket. :p
1. I liked the feel having a tight top foreskin. :D

Foward top skin problems

Hi Kent ...
I am just about to rivet my top foward skin on as well, and as I've been banging away on mufflers and wiring ... I've been looking at the longeron holes just rear of the firweall and wondering the same thing. Martha and I will cleco it on this weekend and let you know. I am also concerned about the forward edge of the canopy skin where it mates to this forward top skin ...

Remember how difficult it was to cleco the rear bottom skin to the aft bulkheads? They fit, but barely ... I'll bet that this'll be like that.

Let me know how it goes for you.