
Well Known Member

I've been waiting a long time for this flight.


We had a great time. Now he keeps asking how he can earn another flight. I think chores and homework time just got a little easier for Mom and Dad.;)


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We had a great time. Now he keeps asking how he can earn another flight. I think chores and homework time just got a little easier for Mom and Dad.;)

You will find out that flying has HUGE leverage with a kid like that. Ask me how I know:eek:.

Great video!
Two Thumbs Up

My kids are all grown but your video brought back great memories. Thanks.
Enjoy those times!

My 8 year old ask if we were going flying this weekend. You bet if the wx, homework and room is all good to go. He likes steep turns and watching something float "like being in outer space". I need a -7 now. Just kidding honey.

Thanks for the motivation Scott! I am in the middle of building a 7A and I just showed my boy, Zack(4 years old) your video. I figure I have about two years of build to go and and he will be 6 years old and ready for flight. Your video will provide me with a little "spring in my step" while working on my brake pedals today!

Thanks everyone!

Thanks everyone for the great comments.

My son just got home from school and feels like a Rockstar having his photo front page on VAF!


That plane actually has dual Dynons:D We had the chart out from an earlier discussion on recognizing what the chart is showing us. When we go sailing I have him do Time, speed and distance for me;) He's like his daddy, learns better "hands-on"...


Great video, Scott!

Brought back memories of when I used to take my kids up in my Yankee when they were little -- right down to the booster seat.

The eldest never wanted anything but straight and level.

Our son wanted to explore the air combat capabilities of the Yankee ... but turned green after the first whiff of an unusual attitude.

And the youngest would grab the yoke as soon as the wheels left the ground and announce, "I've got it. MY PLANE."

Now they're all grown up. The eldest has flown in Smokey with me and had a great time. My boy wants me to croak so that he'll inherit the plane. And the youngest -- the dare-devil -- refuses to even sit in something that I built. Go figure.

Great video. Keep several copies of that one and be sure to make more.
Great Moment Scott

Made me smile to see you on the front page, and so appropriate, proud dad and happy son.

btw, that is one beautiful RV Dave?
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What fun

Scott - what a great thing you have the chance to take your son on a flight. I really enjoy how many young builders and RV pilots there are. Being able to fly with your son has to be great. My son is an AH-64 Apache Longbow pilot in the Army National Guard, but I still look forward to taking him for a flight. Im sure both of our grins will be as big as you and your sons!

Nice work,

Its what its all about

I think this kind of flying is why we all do it.

They grow up in a blink of an eye and time like that is worth gold.

Loved the video and your a lucky man Scott.

That was great. Excellent music, nice pics. Well done. Taking my son on his first flight was a blast, enjoy it everytime. Just wish I knew how to edit my vids like that.
Enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks

Hey Rick,

Honestly I've been only using the GoPro for about 2 weeks.

My wife laughs at me because of my "obsessive" personality. I figure it allows you to learn a larger subject in greater detail in a shorter amount of time!;) (thats my excuse) For 2 days it was one of the most frustrating experiences and very time-consuming,...then it started to "click in".

Vimeo.com has some amazing info. Basically low tech ways of making a more hi-fi video.

Vans aircraft experience for me: Gear-head = Building High performance aircraft, experimenter = trying new things with the aircraft, Pilot = Your quote, "Flying it like I stole it" and (My day job), Artsy/Fartsy guy = producing these videos, Family guy = sharing this experience with my children.

I'd say it's a pretty awesome hobby!

