
Well Known Member
I was asked to do a short write-up of my experience so it might inspire others to get into aerobatics with their RVs. So here it is:

I did my first contest 6 months ago and it was a great learning experience. Since then I have been too busy and have not practiced the Primary Sequence much (in fact not at all except at 2 practice days with the new chapter I joined last month). I have been spending a little time with the Sportsman sequence and just playing around with point rolls, vertical rolls, reverse cubans, humpties, etc. Just having fun. :)

Flying this contest was a last minute decision and I did not show up in time for practice, so I went into my first round without even seeing the box. On top of that, there were issues with my paperwork and I was not cleared to fly literally until the last minute. That left me very flustered and stressed out and my score showed it - 66%.

I did better the next day with 77% and 75% flights, but I was still disappointed because I felt I could fly better, but just couldn't perform when it mattered. However, due to the low turn-out, I still ended up with a first place finish, despite my mediocre overall score.

I also ended up being given the "Grassroots Achievement Award" for having the highest score in any category with a low HP airplane (defined as less than 180hp). I also was one of two pilots in all categories with no outs and no zeros in all three rounds. So overall it was a great weekend, despite me not performing my best. I learned a lot and met some great people and gained valuable experience.

I plan to compete in Sportsman next year and excited to see the 2019 Known sequence. I know I won't have as good a chance at placing well (compared to if I stayed in Primary), but I'm ok with that.

When at a contest, I'll do my absolute best, but in general I'm not as competitive as some guys. I love aerobatics for the pure joy of expression in 3 dimensions. And I enjoy doing higher level maneuvers, even if it's not done to perfection to win a trophy. So having fun and meeting great pilots and always improving is what's more important to me. But of course bringing home the goodies once in a while isn't bad either. :D

A big thanks to all you guys who were supportive and motivated me to get into this. It's been great!

Oh, and the other cool thing about this contest was to see the look on everyone's faces when at the end of the banquet, well after dark, I told them I'm flying home. No one else could do that b/c their acro mounts were day VFR-only. I once showed up to a practice day with my wife in the back and unloaded a bunch of luggage onto the ramp. We were going on a trip after the practice day! Gotta love the versatility of an RV!

Hope to see more RVs join the fun!

Thank you for the update. That?s an excellent trip report! I?m glad to hear about your success. Sounds like you had great fun.

For anyone else considering competition aerobatics, jump in, the water?s fine! You will find the people friendly and welcoming. As Ron said in this thread,


Primary and Sportsman sequences can be flown by airplanes without inverted systems in the class of airplanes like the 115 hp Citabria. It doesn?t necessarily mean you would be competitive in a 115 hp Citabria, but the RV certainly exceeds that minimum performance standard. Primary should be viewed as an introduction to competition. In any case, I hope to see more of you joining us in 2019 in this very fun and exciting sport.
Oh, and the other cool thing about this contest was to see the look on everyone's faces when at the end of the banquet, well after dark, I told them I'm flying home. No one else could do that b/c their acro mounts were day VFR-only. I once showed up to a practice day with my wife in the back and unloaded a bunch of luggage onto the ramp. We were going on a trip after the practice day! Gotta love the versatility of an RV!

That is indeed a very cool thing! I love to see the looks on peoples? faces when I pull my bags out of the plane, or arrive at a contest when it?s 600 foot ceiling and a mile visibility, or tell them I just arrived from a 650 nm leg at 16,000?, or depart a contest in an 800? ceiling with a mile and half visibility in light rain, or leave well after sunset. I think Ron shocked some people at Sebring one time when he and his wife and two little dogs deplaned along with some bags. I would have loved to see that one! They can?t believe what we can carry. I left the US Nationals this year with two cases of Leinenkugels and a grocery bag full of cheese and a German sausages! Gotta love the RVs!
That is indeed a very cool thing! I love to see the looks on peoples? faces when I pull my bags out of the plane, or arrive at a contest when it?s 600 foot ceiling and a mile visibility, or tell them I just arrived from a 650 nm leg at 16,000?, or depart a contest in an 800? ceiling with a mile and half visibility in light rain, or leave well after sunset. I think Ron shocked some people at Sebring one time when he and his wife and two little dogs deplaned along with some bags. I would have loved to see that one! They can?t believe what we can carry. I left the US Nationals this year with two cases of Leinenkugels and a grocery bag full of cheese and a German sausages! Gotta love the RVs!

And with an IFR RV8, you have even more versatility than my day/ night VFR RV4 with it's limited rear weight capacity/ sensitive CG. Although any RV is much better than a dedicated acro mount - not that I'm saying I would not LOVE to have an acro mount along with my RV. :D