Hi all,

Well, I have taken the plunge and have my Emp kit (Arrived on the 19th) and my tools will be here on the 31st.

I have started documenting stuff using kitlog pro and I am excited to share my site with you all.

"Naughty Nikki" RV8

I am very excited to begin and to share my experiences with you all. There are a ton of awesome people I have met through my local EAA chapter and here on VAF.

If any of you all ever travel through Nashville TN let me know. I will gladly extend some Southern hospitality, well as much as a **** yankee can give...lol

Brian, welcome to the party. Lots of good folks here--lots of expertise. Enjoy the build--it's a blast!:D


Have fun building the best 2 place RV - but I'm biased!.

I love kitlog. It actually motivates me to keep building as my buds all frequent my site and comment on it.
Thanks guys,
My tools are coming tomorrow and I am in the process of breaking open the boxes and inventorying everything.

My three year old is helping me ;)
Just about have the workshop finished. Will be posting updated pics soon.

Also completed the van's toolbox kit. Was pretty fun and learned a lot about all the tools I just bought. I have to say, the pneumatic squeezers make riveting a breeze. The 3x gun will be used as a last resort :)

Now I am starting the practice kit. I will try to take pics as I go through it. Once the practice kit is done I will tear open my Emp box and start for real :)

Anyone else nervous/excited when they first started?
i was looking at the site, you have a cute little helper. you will have some c of g issues though if you use that trim control modification ;)

one thing i noticed- you made a very nice work bench. but most of the inlaid back riveting plates i have seen have been rotated 90 degrees from teh way you put yours in. imagine you have a skin (like the rudder skins) and you are putting all the stiffeners on, its fairly easy to just slide it left to right with the plate oriented the way im thinking. a little harder to do that the way you have it laid out. just a thought
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Hmmm, hadn't thought of it like that.

I may get another back riveting plate and mount it perpendicular in the center of the workbench.

Added some more pics.